Victory Viper and you


New Member
Hi guys. It's been a while. :hihi: Anyway, I got a question or two about Victory Viper XX03.

First, are the option tokens able to be used for tribute summons? I think so because I don't see anywhere that says we can't, unlike the Scapegoat tokens...:sheep_blu All other monester tokens besides Ojamas can be tributed, right?

Also, do the option tokens count as normal or effect monsters? My guess would be normal, because their attributes are applied to them by Vic Viper, not themselves.

Mechanics-wise, is there any real difference between option tokens and like...I don't know, Cobra Jar tokens or Ojama tokens? I don't think so. :no_jedi:

Am I wrong here? If so, I appreciate your imput as I begin to build my Gradius deck. :lightning
and when are they going to link the new cards to the text we post? I'm getting kinda tired of that. :beef:
First, are the option tokens able to be used for tribute summons? I think so because I don't see anywhere that says we can't, unlike the Scapegoat tokens...:sheep_blu All other monester tokens besides Ojamas can be tributed, right?
Descriptions for tokens will always specifically indicate any restrictions on them, such as not being able to Tribute them for a summon. Since there's no mention of that for Option Tokens, they can certainly be used to summon higher level monsters.

Also, do the option tokens count as normal or effect monsters? My guess would be normal, because their attributes are applied to them by Vic Viper, not themselves.
For all appropriate intents and purposes, a token is a normal monster.

Mechanics-wise, is there any real difference between option tokens and like...I don't know, Cobra Jar tokens or Ojama tokens? I don't think so. :no_jedi:
Other than stats and specifics on how they work, there's not much of a difference between tokens. For effects like Token Feastevil, those will work on any tokens.
Scurman said:
First, are the option tokens able to be used for tribute summons? I think so because I don't see anywhere that says we can't, unlike the Scapegoat tokens...:sheep_blu All other monester tokens besides Ojamas can be tributed, right?
As Deathjester points out, that restriction only exists if an effect places it there.
Also, do the option tokens count as normal or effect monsters? My guess would be normal, because their attributes are applied to them by Vic Viper, not themselves.
They are always Normal Monsters with no exceptions.
Mechanics-wise, is there any real difference between option tokens and like...I don't know, Cobra Jar tokens or Ojama tokens? I don't think so. :no_jedi:
The are mechanically identical.
Am I wrong here? If so, I appreciate your imput as I begin to build my Gradius deck. :lightning
and when are they going to link the new cards to the text we post? I'm getting kinda tired of that. :beef:
In another shameless act of pimping my own work, I just posted an article last week in the Netrepâ„¢ Articles section on the mechanics behind tokens and the rulings that back them up. You might find it useful and surprising. I'm going to commit suicide now by jumping off my ego <eeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>
Those Options Tokens are.

Can be tributed for tribute summon.

Can be special summoned in ATK position or defense position. Doesn't matter.

Can declare an attack. Also doesn't matter.

They are "Normal" monsters. They cannot copy the effect text of Victory Viper. It only copies the ATK/DEF/level/type/attribute. So you cannot attack with Option Token, destroy a monster as a result of battle and send it to the graveyard, to special summon ANOTHER Option Token. Only Victory Viper XX03 have that effect.

Always have the same ATK and DEF stat are Victory Viper XX03. This is important. If Viper stat in increased by 1600ATK by it's own effect, all of your Option Tokens are now also 1600ATK and all of your future ones you produce. Same thing with Rush Recklessly making all tokens 1900ATK and Limiter Removal making them all 2400ATK.

But, the side-effect is that those Option Tokens most have that Victory Viper face-up on the field to copy it's ATK/DEF and other stats from. So if it's flipped face-down or removed from the field to either graveyard/hand/deck/removed from play, then all of your Option Tokens "disappears" cause they have no target to copy it's ATK/DEF stats from. (They are not "destroyed". This is important as since you cannot chain a s/t that's activated when a monster is destroyed. You can chain if your Viper is gunna be destroyed though.)

So if You used Limiter Removal and your Viper created a fresh new token that's not effected by Limiter Removal. (Cause it was special summoned after Limiter was already activated.) It won't be destroyed by Limiter Removal effect unlike the rest of the machines and Option Tokens, (Option Tokens are also machine-type since it copies Victory Viper) but the fact that Victory Viper still leaves the field makes that fresh new token "disappear" cause it lost it's target to copy it's stats.

And since I said flipped face-down. Book of Moon or Tsukuyomi on your Victory Viper would also make all of your Option Tokens go bye-bye. (So you can "save" your Victory Viper from Limiter Removal by using Book of Moon... but you'll still lose all of your tokens)