Want to learn, but...

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New Member
If you wanted to learn to play, but no one else at the store wants to play, what would you do? I really think this game would be very interesting to play---
There's always the online version of VS, that's a modified version of the Magic online system. However, if I were trying to finagle people into playing it locally, I would simply cooerce one of my friends into playing it by building him a deck to play with and play each week at the shop. That way you could hopefully spark some interest.

Any questions on the game, feel free to ask.
The best way to learn is to play. The starter decks are a good place to start. It's easier to convice people to play if they enjoy the characters in the deck, so try to find other comic fans.
If you can't find anyone to play, the video game is coming out later this year. You can also try setting up something with members here to play online. While not as fun as "in person", it would be a start.
The best thing to do is pick up a starter deck or two. Then get a friend to play you at your local shop. A few people may come by and catch you playing and get interested. Some will completely blow it off but the ones who stay and watch are the ones that you need to target. I don't know if you have the extra money or not but we ususally hook these people up with a starter and some commons we have to get them started. After this it only takes a few people to get tournaments started.

Also you could talk to your shop owner and have him request a demo from UDE. Someone can come out and demo the game for you. Here is the link http://www.upperdeckentertainment.com/op/demoteam/default.aspx
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