Wave-Motion Cannon


New Member
When this card is already active on the field you can activate its effect and send it to the grave as a cost.
But Continuous Spell Cards need to remain face-up on the field to resolve so it cant resolve because you sent it to the grave already. I'm confused.

Any opinions on this?
You do :)

Mainly because we both said 'its effect'.
Wave-Motion has no effect when you activate the card.
Its only effect is when you send it to the grave.
Fury said:
You do :)

Mainly because we both said 'its effect'.
Wave-Motion has no effect when you activate the card.
Its only effect is when you send it to the grave.

Wave-Motion has multiple effects. They don't happen when first playing it though. The first is counting your standby phases and adding a counter.(trigger effect) The second is sending it to the graveyard to do damage.(activated effect)

For the first effect to resolve Wave-Motion has to be on the field at activation and resolution. The second effect is a cost so it doesn't need to be on the field.
blade146 said:
Wave-Motion has multiple effects. They don't happen when first playing it though. The first is counting your standby phases and adding a counter.(trigger effect) The second is sending it to the graveyard to do damage.(activated effect)

For the first effect to resolve Wave-Motion has to be on the field at activation and resolution. The second effect is a cost so it doesn't need to be on the field.
Lol, some things wrong here.

Wave-Motion Cannon doesn't have any kind of effect that generates Counters of any kind.

Wave-Motion Cannon has no card activation effect. It only has one effect. That's simple to determine: it deals damage. Sending it to the Graveyard is an effect activation cost. The counting of Standby Phases is part of the effect in determining damage. This happens at the resolution of the effect.

So Wave-Motion Cannon only has one effect. Dealing effect damage.
Wave-Motion Cannon does NOT count the turns.
The players do. It is NOT an effect.
UDE FAQ said:
If "Imperial Order" is active on the field, count Standby Phases as normal for "Wave-Motion Cannon".

If the Standby Phase is skipped with "Solomon's Lawbook" or the turn is skipped with "Gamble", increase the count for "Wave-Motion Cannon" anyway.
So in the end it has only 1 effect.
blade146 said:
Wave-Motion has multiple effects. They don't happen when first playing it though. The first is counting your standby phases and adding a counter.(trigger effect) The second is sending it to the graveyard to do damage.(activated effect)
What part of Wave-Motion Cannon uses counters? You'll find no part of Wave-Motion Cannon uses counters.

The "count Standby Phases" thing is a condition. Standby Phases will still be counted in the presence of Imperial Order.

Wave-Motion Cannon only has one effect. That is to Tribute itself as a cost, then deal damage according to its count as its effect.

That's why it can resolve when not on the field. You've already activated the effect, and that effect doesn't care about the presence of the Spell Card itself. It's a special Continuous Spell Card, in that its only effect can happen even when the card itself is not on the field (in fact, it CANNOT be on the field, because you Tributed it as the cost).
blade146 said:
Thats what I get for not reading the card. :)
It happens to me all the time. Welcome to my world. =)

EDIT: Wave-Motion Cannon has no condition. Counting Standby Phases isn't a condition. It's the method in which the player determines the effect damage. This is part of the effect.
blade146 said:
When you play multiple games the rules tend to merge all in one. I don't know how many times I have looked at Yugioh and made a ruling that is for VS instead.
I suffer from a similar source. Except mine is because of my hobby: tabletop game design.