We've got the Beat (Warrior Style)


Don't fear da Reaper
Now I don't normally put together many warrior decks for myself. Never was a very big fan, probably because they alway stomped me. Well Christmas brought me the surprise of 2 Warrior Structure decks and a IOC booster pack. Let's just say that I couldn't pass up on trying to build this deck. Please don't point out the obvious detail that it needs a Breaker or Airknight, I don't have either. But I do have some recent trades with the kids down the street and the Christmas surprise. So without further ado...

Monsters: 20
Gilford the Legend
Goblin Attack Force
Mystic Swordsman LV4
Gearfried the Iron Knight x2
Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Getsu Fuhma x2
D.D. Warrior Lady
Chaosrider Gustaph
Command Knight
Marauding Captain x2
Warrior Lady of the Wasteland x2
Exiled Force
Mystic Swordsman LV2 x2

Spells: 16
The A. Forces
The Warrior Returning Alive x2
Reinforcement of the Army x2
Dark Hole
Soul Exchange
Snatch Steal
Heavy Storm
Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
Sword of Dragon's Soul
Lightning Vortex
Lightning Blade x2
Fusion Sword Murasame Blade x2 can be equiped to Gearfried the Iron Knight.

Traps: 5
Waboku x2
Dimension Wall
Ultimate Offering
Fake Trap

I will give a more in depth explanation later along with a side deck.
BenjaminMS said:
Ehm..? :icon_conf RftDD in this Deck... except for DDW there are no RFG-monsters...

Divine Sword - Pheonix Blade works wonders with RftDD. Plus there's that minute of last boost
Why does it need Airknight or Breaker? To be CC? It's creative, powerful, and surprising. There's no need for CC junk. *poke*

None of your traps have any place in this deck, except for Waboku, IMHO. Lose all of the others for the suggested RftDD, and 2x Blast with Chain.

2x MSLV2 in a deck with 2x Reinforcement, 2x Wasteland Warrior, and Returning? WAYYY overkill. Drop one for something nice and janky. Injection Fairy Lily = t3h kewlness.


<EDIT: Skey just went in my sig>
Jason_C said:
Why does it need Airknight or Breaker? To be CC? It's creative, powerful, and surprising. There's no need for CC junk. *poke*

None of your traps have any place in this deck, except for Waboku, IMHO. Lose all of the others for the suggested RftDD, and 2x Blast with Chain.

2x MSLV2 in a deck with 2x Reinforcement, 2x Wasteland Warrior, and Returning? WAYYY overkill. Drop one for something nice and janky. Injection Fairy Lily = t3h kewlness.


<EDIT: Skey just went in my sig>
What's wrong with overkill :)
ok... lets start with the monsters......

Teva ... good tech, keep it
Chaosrider Gustaph ... this card is cool, but it CAN be a pain if you dont draw it in the right situation.... I would trade it in for another Command Knight ( but that is just me ).....
Now, I DO see a few cards that send stuff out of the game ... but not enough to make a strategy out of... so RftDD would be a hinderance in this deck IMO..

I like Gearfried, he is good warrior tech, he isnt going to be Brain Controlled, Snatched, or otherwise used against you thanks to pesky Equip / stealing cards.....

Your spells seem to be ok.... not CC, but definitely have good synergy....I say remove the divine sword phoenix blade for either Mystical Space Typhoon, or Blast with Chain.... its a good tech card, and is chainable to S/T destruction.... they activate, you chain and equip, they lost a monster.... good trade 1 for 2 , if you ask me ( well, at least you kill one of theirs,,,, im not counting any s/t that you lost other than this... lol )....

Also, I think that if someone is going to actually have a monster on the field that is going to kill yours Waboku is good, but try this out, drop them for a Call of the Haunted, AND a Curse of Anubis..... hehe.....

By the way did I mention I like Teva.... cool card, what set is that anyway?? anyway... good teck, almost a 3rd Waboku, or Threatening Roar so ya , its cool... Oh and you may want to consider Brain Control instead of that Soul Exchange just so that you can attack that turn....

To sum it up..
- Chaosrider Gustaph
+ Command Knight

- Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade
+ MST or Blast with Chain

-1 or 2 Waboku
+ Call of the Haunted / Curse of Anubis
kingpinopie said:
I like Gearfried, he is good warrior tech, he isnt going to be Brain Controlled, Snatched, or otherwise used against you thanks to pesky Equip / stealing cards.....
Why wouldn't he be "Brain Control"led? "Brain Control" doesn't equip to him in any way..lol.
kingpinopie said:
By the way did I mention I like Teva.... cool card, what set is that anyway??http://newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=109232#
Capsule Monsters Colliseum, or something like that. It's one of the Gameboy, or Gamecube, or whatever games.