Where's the welcome party?

Arles M. Edwards

New Member
Hello CoG, I'm Arles M. Edwards. I stumbled upon this forum while looking up a ruling on NetRep[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]™. This seems like a pretty rad place. A shame that I can't upload my own avatar though. Plus, there doesn't seem to be many member here. I saw that there was only 100 or so active members. Pretty small. But it still seems like a fun place.
It may be small, but there are many great people here. But welcome anyway, hope you will enjoy your stay here.
I did the center tags, but it still seems that my signature isn't centered. Well, it is to a degree, but not fully centered. Thanks anyway.
maybe you should create a transparent gif and set it to be the number of pixels wide to force the width of the signature box... just a thought.
Greetings Arles! I've seen you over in the Realms for a while now, i'm glad you made it here! I'm typically in and out in the "Extended" hours since work has CoG blocked, c'est la vie 8^D

Welcome! Make yourself at home!!!
Yeah, I've seen you around Realms as well, Dillie. This seems like a really rocking forum with its features and all, but it's really small. I did a search for new posts and only two popped up. lol But I'll still stay and give it a try.
Arles, welcome to CoG. Yes, we've always had a pretty conservative size membership. I've always felt it comes from being a little more closely moderated the a lot of other Yu-Gi-Oh forums in the respect that we try to keep out the drama, and keep the fun stuff. So in one respect we're heavily moderated, and in another, we're not breathing down member's necks on every little thing they do or every little mistake they make. For some reason, that attracts fewer people.

But in any case, you may find you like it here. We do what we can to make this place as fun and as time-killing as possible. ;)

I looked into your signature, and apparently something is going on with the MySpace URL. I've never seen that happen before, but apparently it's a bug with the link. I can't seem to get mine to center either with just the www.myspace.com part. Without the URL, your Sig centers otherwise. I'll see if I can't track down the bug. Again, hope you enjoy your stay.
looked into your signature, and apparently something is going on with the MySpace URL. I've never seen that happen before, but apparently it's a bug with the link. I can't seem to get mine to center either with just the www.myspace.com part. Without the URL, your Sig centers otherwise. I'll see if I can't track down the bug. Again, hope you enjoy your stay.

The Force is strong with this one.

Thanks for the explanation, Jedi. I'll just pop out the MySpace link from my signature, as not many people visit it anyway.
Dang, that didn't work either? Okay, I know I had my sig centered just a few minutes ago with my usual content. I'll keep looking into it. Sorry for the hassle.
Hrm, appears that I never noticed this issue with the sigs before. Apparently, it wasn't the MySpace URL at all. All that was needed was to stretch the signature table 100%, rather then it being set to fit to content. Must of been something overlooked when they designed the skin.

Welcome to CoG, where the administrator gets bugged by every little thing. LOL :D