whos that mokemon

Nope. No more clues for a while now, because it's hard to think of them without being too obvious.
Voltorb is correct. The surreal part is a Poké Ball coming out of a Poké Ball (not really an infinite regress, though), and it's a poor disguise because Voltorb is huge (larger than life, you might say). As for the Katamari clue, it's a rolling ball.

Go ahead, jinzo64.
Because I've just had a go, and because I honestly think Pikachu was a more clever answer, barty can have this round.

Should I change my name to Maruno64 to fit in?
Milotic. Everyone says it's the prettiest pokémon around, but I just don't think so. Dragonair is prettier.
o.k pikachu was a cool answer but shaymin was the right one.
you don't need to change your name to fit in your just as mad as rest of us anyway:D

and i think the prettiest pokemon are

there my guesses.
i've decided to change the rules of the thread slightly people can guess once a day with up to 3 guesses per post. you can now post again even if no one has posted afeter your last post.



To be honest I never intentionally followed that rule anyway. Probably still won't, but it's not like I'm putting the whole Pokédex in my post, is it?


o.k pikachu was a cool answer but shaymin was the right one.
you don't need to change your name to fit in your just as mad as rest of us anyway:D
Well, everyone else playing this game as a "64" at the end of their name, so... :rolleyes:
you know what maruno you should join the 64's become a 64 the power of our master the N64 compels you to join us become maruno64 and sit at the table of greatness.

to day my guesses will be


