Yes, I understand the whole being charged for ebay and paypal, I sell and buy as well. However, I am NOT going to add on shipping charges unless I am not 100% sure of the shipping cost since when I weigh an item, it doesn't always have the bags or whatever I throw inside the box to secure the item. However, that is the seller's problem and should not be put onto the buyers. If they want to charge $3.99 for one card and do priority shipping, fine, that is different. However, adding $1+ for each additional card is just pushing it because priority would end up being $3.85 whether it was 1 card or 25 cards (anymore would probably add an extra few cents.
I just got 200+ cards from a seller called NDTCC (awesome seller btw), and shipping came to $12, and that I can understand. Plus that was 14 auctions worth I won from him, and that is still less than $1 for shipping per auction.
Heck, if I were to sell cards on ebay (which I wouldn't because there is just no profit involved), I wouldn't bother charging them shipping since it would cost me 1 whole stamp to do so.
Helpoemer, what is your ebay user name? This way I can look up what auctions you have (if any).
anthonyj, you're lucky. I have two shops in my city that sell singles, but I already bought everything from them I wanted (minus the God cards, but they want $40 for each one), and I don't know anyone other than my girlfriend that guys the cards.
Tiso, $3 is usually my limit unless I end up finding another seller who would end up giving me a better deal. Like the Skull Archfiend (DC version) I just bought. One seller wanted $6.95 plus $3.99 shipping on it, where as another seller had it for $7 plus $3 shipping, so I bought it from him.