RIP Jacob KT 2/16/06
So I'm at Shonen Jump Philly when my friend, who was playing in the regional day 2 and sometimes judges for me, comes up to me and tells me about how his opponent waited to see if he would pulling the rug his opponent's mobius and then pulled the "I never said I was activating his effect".
This promted a conversation which let me to describe how pulling the rub breaks the rules of how the game is supposed to work. Pulling the rug negates the summoning of a monster. If a monster's ability has an opportunity to trigger and be added to the chain the you have passed the point at which you can negate the summoning.
This then led me to go to John Williams with this conundrum. He then asked me how this was any different then when I'm activating Pulling the rug on ANY monarch. I then asked him the following:
"so, let me get this straight my opponent tribute sumons Mobius and decides to use its effect or not. When he does, I activate pulling the rug. At this point, we REWIND THE STATE OF GAMEPLAY to when the mobius was in the process of being summoned, and negate the summoning?! And the same goes for any monarch?"
John's response was merely nodding of the head. So I ask you, why is Pulling the rug so stupid?
This promted a conversation which let me to describe how pulling the rub breaks the rules of how the game is supposed to work. Pulling the rug negates the summoning of a monster. If a monster's ability has an opportunity to trigger and be added to the chain the you have passed the point at which you can negate the summoning.
This then led me to go to John Williams with this conundrum. He then asked me how this was any different then when I'm activating Pulling the rug on ANY monarch. I then asked him the following:
"so, let me get this straight my opponent tribute sumons Mobius and decides to use its effect or not. When he does, I activate pulling the rug. At this point, we REWIND THE STATE OF GAMEPLAY to when the mobius was in the process of being summoned, and negate the summoning?! And the same goes for any monarch?"
John's response was merely nodding of the head. So I ask you, why is Pulling the rug so stupid?