Why isnt This Card Used ALOT More Often???

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Emperor of Games
i dont see why all these Chaos Decks With 3 Cyber Dragons dont run Great Maju Garzett.

it really seems like an awesome card for it

Dark Food

If u tribute a Cyber dragon, u get a very nice 4200 attack monster for 1 trib.
on the first turn that could be veryyy painful if ur cards are right....
ya sound like a great idea for anyone using 3 cyber dragon's or any speicial summon's for that matter
The reason you don't see it more is the same reason you see few other tribute monsters in the majority of decks. They are costly to run and require you to give up field presence to get them out (especially a monster like Great Maju Garzett who needs a strong attacker to be tributed). Most tribute monsters make for bad top decks (Cyber Dragon being an exception since it is so easy to special summon without tribute). Great Maju has very little use in recursion (Premature Burial and such) since he'll no longer be a heavy hitter. He can easily be foiled by Book of Moon, Compulsory Evac Device, Skill Drain, Megamorph, not to mention Horn of Heaven, Royal Oppression, Solemn Judgment and Forced Back.

But don't get me wrong I use him quite often and it is great swatting your opponent with a 4000+ attacker. It is just one of those cards you have to know the risk to reward ratio with. I found he was much more useful before the ban list started as he was a great way to swing heavy without risk of my opponent bringing it back to use against me with Monster Reborn.
It's funny when you tribute your average 3000 ATK King of Skull Servants (who came by turtle)for a
Great Maju Garzett--->6000 ATK (nice to have cold wave ready though ;) )
it wouldn't work since Great Maju Garzett doubles the original atk and the king of skull servant's orginal atk is 0 which would make great maju garzett 0 which is a shame but also a good thing at least i think so
barty64 said:
it wouldn't work since Great Maju Garzett doubles the original atk and the king of skull servant's orginal atk is 0 which would make great maju garzett 0 which is a shame but also a good thing at least i think so

Acutally it does work because of the King's effect.

The original ATK of this card becomes the number of "King of the Skull Servants" and "Skull Servant" cards in your Graveyard x 1000 points.

Note it says Original ATK. This was one of the cards that made UDE back-pedal from the "Original ATK is the one printed on the card" declaration they had previously had.
ah when read the text of King of the Skull Servants i must of skipped passed that bit
Alas, anthonyj. I was in a debate in an earlier thread which confirmed it doesn't work. Mainly because of one ruling on the UDE website stating "When you use a monster with an original ATK of "?" then "Great Maju Garzett"'s ATK is zero". A shame but true. :cog_cryin And that was the main goal in my deck originally. But back to the original purpose of this thread.

I love the "special summon Cyber Dragon, normal summon Great Maju Garzett" move. A great way to get out of a bind against some of the game's more used heavy hitters. :duel_yes_
I like it and hate it,because my friend would tribute ethier BEWD or Black luster Soldier(the ritual one) to get it out, 6000 is nothing to laugh at.
D.M.E.N. said:
Alas, anthonyj. I was in a debate in an earlier thread which confirmed it doesn't work. Mainly because of one ruling on the UDE website stating "When you use a monster with an original ATK of "?" then "Great Maju Garzett"'s ATK is zero". A shame but true. :cog_cryin And that was the main goal in my deck originally. But back to the original purpose of this thread.

I love the "special summon Cyber Dragon, normal summon Great Maju Garzett" move. A great way to get out of a bind against some of the game's more used heavy hitters. :duel_yes_
King of the skull servants Original ATK is the number of Skull Servant cards in your Graveyard x 1000, not "?". King of the Skull Servants' effect makes his Original ATK maleable, not fixed at "?". It will work with Great Maju Garzett and will not be 0 unless there were no Skull Servants in your Graveyard at the time of summoning.
D.M.E.N. said:
Alas, anthonyj. I was in a debate in an earlier thread which confirmed it doesn't work. Mainly because of one ruling on the UDE website stating "When you use a monster with an original ATK of "?" then "Great Maju Garzett"'s ATK is zero". A shame but true. :cog_cryin And that was the main goal in my deck originally. But back to the original purpose of this thread.

I love the "special summon Cyber Dragon, normal summon Great Maju Garzett" move. A great way to get out of a bind against some of the game's more used heavy hitters. :duel_yes_

That ruling is out of date. Megarock Dragon and King of the Skull Servants both set a new Original ATK as part of their effect and work just fine with Great Maju (unless UDE is still on this "they are checked in the graveyard" nonsense in which case I fire a volley of monkeys across their decks :) )
Your question is very simple. It's JUST a huge beatstick. Now, Cyber Dragon as a beatstick is good since it's a special summon. But this is a tribute Summon that's "just a beatstick". You pretty much HAVE to do LP damage to be worth the tribute. If your foe got nothing but DEF monsters, then it's kinda pointless for the Cyber Dragon Tribute. Also, Book of Moon and Tsukuyomi can totally screw that card real bad. Not to mention you pretty much NEVER special summon this card ever unless you want a 0/0 no stat vanilla monster for whatever reason.
anthonyj said:
That ruling is out of date. Megarock Dragon and King of the Skull Servants both set a new Original ATK as part of their effect and work just fine with Great Maju (unless UDE is still on this "they are checked in the graveyard" nonsense in which case I fire a volley of monkeys across their decks :) )
The ruling isn't out of date, he's just not interpreting it fully. If you tribute a monster with an Original ATK of "?", then it will defnitely be 0. But when you tribute King of the Skull Servants, his Original ATK is going to be however many Skull Servants are removed from play, not "?". In fact, the only time King of the Skull Servants' ATK will ever be "?" is when it's off the field or when Skill Drain is active. Any other instance, his Original ATK will be 0 or more. But it will never be "?". If it's more then 0, then it will be that x2 when tributed for Great Maju Garzett.
:haveaday_ :lookaroun :confused_ ahhhh...I'm, very confused now. I remember in an earlier thread that we agreed GMG's Atk points would be zero if I tributed kotss, now that changed? :huh_jedi: Just when I thought I understood this game. :embarrass and why does my head hurt
The problem lies in the fact that there is no such thing as "Printed ATK". There is only Original and Current, as Konami has decided it to be. Current ATK is the modified ATK of a monster's printed states. Original ATK is the printes stats of a monster, but get this, if the Original ATK is changed, the your treating the monster as if those printed stats are changing.

Irinocally, if you tributed a Great Maju Garzett for another one, his ATK would always be 0, because Maju's Original ATK is always 0. King of the Skull Servants ATK is always however any Skull Servants are in the Graveyard. If King of the Skull Servants did not use the word "Original", then his original ATK would be "?". But his effect makes as if the stats printed on his card are constantly being scratched off and rewritten. Current ATK just pretends. Original ATK makes it a "reality".
D.M.E.N. said:
:haveaday_ :lookaroun :confused_ ahhhh...I'm, very confused now. I remember in an earlier thread that we agreed GMG's Atk points would be zero if I tributed kotss, now that changed? :huh_jedi: Just when I thought I understood this game. :embarrass and why does my head hurt

Do you mean the thread back in January where 1 person thought it wouldn't work and there were two dozen responses that said it would? Didn't you post the last entry in that thread as I quote:

D.M.E.N. said:
I think skey23 answered my question best. No matter what anyone else thinks is true the effect itself says King of the Skull Servants original ATK could be 5000. And that's what I wanted to know. So thank you.

Perhaps it would help to re-review the thread as it was clearly not an agreement that Great Maju Garzett would be 0. Here is the link: http://www.cogonline.net/threads.14471&highlight=great+maju+garzett
Explanation of "original ATK/DEF" 2005-06-06 17:33:00 <Kevin Tewart>

The "Original ATK" of a monster is normally the number printed on the card, and
does not include changes because of Spell, Trap, or Monster Card effects.

However, some recent monsters modify their original ATK/DEF ("King of the Skull
Servants", "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast"), instead of just-plain-old
ATK/DEF ("Shadow Ghoul"). Original ATK/DEF can also be modified by card effects
that specifically say so ("Megamorph", which doubles or halves original ATK).

When combining these two, you can run into problems, and there's been some
confusion as to whether "Megamorph" modifies "original" ATK/DEF, or "printed"
ATK/DEF. The answer is that "printed" ATK/DEF isn't actually a term in Yu-Gi-Oh!
TCG, and is in fact dangerous to use because it runs contrary to Konami thinking.
So we will speak no more of it!

If you have a monster on the field with modified "original" ATK/DEF ("King of the
Skull Servants", "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual Mode Beast", "Behemoth the King of All
Animals", and various other cards with long names), and you equip it with
"Megamorph", it doubles or halves the original ATK/DEF according to the card


If you have "King of the Skull ServantsÂ" with an original ATK of 2000 (2 "Skull
Servant" cards in your Graveyard), and you equip it with "Megamorph", its original
ATK will be 4000 when your Life Points are lower, and 1000 when your Life Points
are higher.

If you have "Behemoth the King of All Animals" with an original ATK of 2000
because you Summoned or Set him with 1 Tribute, and you equip it with "Megamorph",
its original ATK will be 4000 when your Life Points are lower, and 1000 when your
Life Points are higher.

If you have "Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast" with original ATK of 1400
because you Summoned or Set it without Tribute, and you equip it with "Megamorph",
its original ATK will be 2800 when your Life Points are lower, and 700 when your
Life Points are higher.

These specific examples have been added to the FAQ under the 3 appropriate cards.

The oddball ruling, at this time, is "Inferno Fire Blast", which inflicts 2400
damage to the opponent even if the original ATK of "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" is 4800
because of "Megamorph". (Or even 9600 ATK, or 19200.) This is because the
original intent of "Inferno Fire Blast" is to inflict 2400 damage. We're
discussing with Konami the possibility of an errata to "Inferno Fire Blast" to
address this problem, and we'll keep you posted.

Kevin Tewart
Game Designer
UDE Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Lead
Upper Deck Entertainment

Souds like an edict, doesnt it?!!

"I hereby proclaim that from henceforth, none shall make mention of 'Printed Attack' in thine Village's or Hamlet's! So it is written, so shall it be done!!"
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