Winged Rhynos vs. Magic Cylinder


New Member
With Winged Rhynos effect of being able to return to the hand upon activation of a trap card leads me to ask.....

If the player attacks with Winged Rhynos and the opponent activates Magic Cylinder, would it resolve as such?

A: P1 activates Winged Rhynos effect and returns the monster to the owner's hand and Magic Cylinder resolves without effect or

B: P1 activates the effect and Magic Cylinder inflicts damage.

How would it work with Sakuretsu Armor?
In both cases, the target monster is no longer face up on the field, so neither Magic Cylinder nor Sakuretsu Armor would do anything.

Now, if a non-targeting trap was activated like Mirror Force or Widespread Ruin, any other monsters would still potentially be affected.
So, you're saying Winged Rhynos returns to the hand immediately after the Trap Card is activated, before any other card can be Chained (let alone allowing the Chain to resolve at all).

Then we run into the problem with Seven Tools of the Bandit, and similar negation Counter Trap Cards. I'd guess it's akin to Rapid-Fire Magician, where it has to resolve, contrary to the card text.
In the case of Widespread Ruin, the monster with the highest atk when resolving would be the one destroyed.

If you had 3 monsters, 1 being winged rhynos, and your opponent activated radiant mirror force, you could then use winged rhynos effect and only the other 2 would be destroyed.

But I would have to say (and this is just my opinion) that winged rhynos' effect cannot be chained to effects like reinforcements or castle walls or mirror wall if these effects are activated in the damage step.