YGO Card Name Game

I still think it has something to do with the constellation Leo. Since the sickle is found in the "ear" of the constellation and Leo is a feline, I'm going to guess...

Cat's Ear Tribe
None right so far.

I'm going to change something in my clue, not major, but could be significant. Read "lie AND wait" rather than "lie IN wait". The latter speaks more of preparation to pounce, which is not the case. He's rather unintimidated.
Gladiator Beast Alexander
Gladiator Beast Dimacari

I feel it's Alexander, but Dimacari is in Alex's text so...
I still want to stick with the GBeasts, so now I'm going to guess
Gladiator Beast Laquari (Herculian fate - Herculese was strong, and this monster gets strong)

Alien Hunter
Sleeping Lion

Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner...had to go home. But yes, Sleeping Lion is it.

The Constellation Leo is the Lion that Hercules fought. by including The Sickle, Greek Astronomy places the lion lying and waiting. He is at rest. Sleeping, if you will. Had he been pouncing (the constelation version that does not include The Sickle), then the Gladiators would indeed be more likely.

Good job Maruno! It's all yours.