YGO Card Name Game

A sad estate, me, caged for life and never in the wild.
Yet die I must an eye to see that you might have a child.

Now you see me, now you don't. I come and then I flee.
Like magic tricks I come, I bite and none can e'er touch me.

Who am I?
A sad estate, me, caged for life and never in the wild.
Yet die I must an eye to see that you might have a child.

To do the pregnancy test, you need a pink-eyed white rabit...only bred in captivity, never found in the wild.

Now you see me, now you don't. I come and then I flee.
Like magic tricks I come, I bite and none can e'er touch me.

A reference to a spirit Monster. The play on Trix the white rabbit. None can touch is a vague reference to his ability to attack directly (wanted to convey "stop" or "block", but alas.....)

Inaba it is! All yours Monkey boy!!
Hmmm, right track, how I wonder. maybe instead of guard Bear, we want a
Guard Dog!

or if the gates are the gates of hell, the guard dog of hell would be (taken straight from the new--this month--Shonen Jump preview):
Mythical Beast Cerebrus!
"Guardian of the gate"

Ummmm, so Flame Cerebdus is probably out, too. But Pandamonium Watchbear is close....Horus is trying the Field Spell motiff. I'm going to stick with the watchbear motiff and say: Wroughtwiler!