YGO Card Name Game

  1. Suggesting or threatening evil: a sinister smile.
  2. Presaging trouble; ominous: sinister storm clouds.
  3. Attended by or causing disaster or inauspicious circumstances.
  4. On the left side; left.
  5. Heraldry. Situated on or being the side of a shield on the wearer's left and the observer's right.
hmmm... im looking at your guesses chaos and you seem right... but im going to take a slightly different approach... looking at # 5 it makes me think of such things as Big Shield Gardna, having that shield and all in the left hand ( on my right) ... but your guess of Left Arm of the Forbidden One seems to hit it right on the head since Exodia WAS one of the original guesses...
sweet!! ok so i guess this means its my turn!!! woopie...

this is my first riddle even though i got the 1st question right...
lets see....

i got one...

I am a master of Martial Arts... Although i am very hot-headed,
dont underestimate me... or ull get more than u bargained for...

a little vague... good luck

ChaosEmperor12 said:
I am a master of Martial Arts... Although i am very hot-headed,
dont underestimate me... or ull get more than u bargained for...

I am a master of Martial Arts: the picture shows a warrior who looks like a Martial Arts practicer.
Although I am very hot-headed: his head is on fire
Don't underestimate me... or you'll get more than you bargained for: if someone attacks a face-down Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi, the most times they'll find out that they attack a card with a too high defense. In that case, they have to discard their hand in addition to the Life Point loss.

ChaosEmperor12 said:
I have iron fists and fire in my soul
i feel discriminated against, my brothers and i dont see much play these days because of our breed...

I have iron fists and fire in my soul: see his picture. Iron fists, fire-type monster.
I feel discriminated against, my brother and I don't see much play these days because of our breed: he is a Spirit-monster, which often don't see that much play because they return to the hand of the player (which much players can't handle).
Very Nice!!!!!!!!

didnt even need my 3rd clue....
which was (for the curious ones).... ill punch u in the gut and your next turn may be ur last....

his picture looks like hes punching someone in the gut.... his picture is on Last Turn...

so it is indeed Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi

again Very Nice and good job! hit every nail on the head with your explaination....

ur turn BenjaminMS