YGO Card Name Game

Well, if you splash Lesser Fiend into any old CC deck, and play against any old CC deck, what will you find it useful for? Negating graveyard effects, in much the same way as The End of Anubis, and negating the effects of D.D. Assailant and D.D. Warrior Lady, similar to what D.D. Survivor can do. And seeing as how it has, like DaGuy pointed out, a human body and a canine head, it is CLEARLY a fusion of D.D. Survivor and The End of Anubis. Not to mention it has 4 arms.

And yes, I am aware of how vague it STARTED AS. But when I started putting "<" into my clues, it ought to have become more obvious :p

Jathro's turn.
Oh, and also:

All I can see are Monarchs, that Sorcerer guy, and a big ugly android. All the little guys are gone, and the mechanical dragon seems hesitant to appear.

Indicating that the monster has 2100 ATK. The Monarchs, Chaos Sorcerer, and Jinzo are fine out on the field. Cyber Dragon isn't sure if it should come out and suicide or not. All smaller monsters have been RFPed.
Okay, my turn. I'll try not to disappoint.

There's no point trying to oppose us. We are united against you.