(This is not meant to offend any non-English speaking forum members -- I would do just as poorly in ANY language myself, sometimes even English!!!. If you are offended, PM me and I remove this post completely. It's supposed to be funny.)
As some of you may know, my company has outsourced my job to India, and then they turned around and subcontracted my job to China. My days are spent reviewing code and getting mad at junior programmers thousands and thousands of miles away from me, and is VERY stressful and aggravating lately.
However, there are some days that I actually still laugh. Today was one of them ...
Today I got a copy of something they have been working on for over a month. It's hands down the absolute worst application ever written on planet Earth (and probably any other planet), and I spent this afternoon and evening rewriting the whole thing. The point here isn't that it only took me 6-7 hours to do what it took them a month (and do it right), but to share some of the most hysterical user interface messages I've ever seen.
These messages almost made it out to real clients. Seriously. Somebody recently quoted the classic "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!" here at CoG, these come close:
As some of you may know, my company has outsourced my job to India, and then they turned around and subcontracted my job to China. My days are spent reviewing code and getting mad at junior programmers thousands and thousands of miles away from me, and is VERY stressful and aggravating lately.
However, there are some days that I actually still laugh. Today was one of them ...
Today I got a copy of something they have been working on for over a month. It's hands down the absolute worst application ever written on planet Earth (and probably any other planet), and I spent this afternoon and evening rewriting the whole thing. The point here isn't that it only took me 6-7 hours to do what it took them a month (and do it right), but to share some of the most hysterical user interface messages I've ever seen.
These messages almost made it out to real clients. Seriously. Somebody recently quoted the classic "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!" here at CoG, these come close:
The people that work cheaper than I do said:
this.lblNotify.Text = "Update From 80 To 90 SQL Script has been Run Over!"
this.lblNotify.Text = "Success to update From 80 To 90!";
this.lblNotify.Text = "Script2 Over!now transaction....";
this.lblNotify.Text="Unable to get the database connection! please make sure the dataVersion infomation is existing on you!";
this.lblNotify.Text="Welcome to <<edit>> Upgrade DataBase Utility, Please clicking Next upgrade From <<edit>> 7.x to 9.0!" ;
this.lblNotify.Text="Clicking of EXIT close <<edit>>. OK to Cancel?"
/// Start of code added by <<edit>> for getting Special Part In String ,overload of the
/// input connection string as longString and "Data Source = " ";" as headString and tailString be
/// return "SHN<<edit>>" as apecial part "Data Source = SHN<<edit>>;"
/// "4.3"is being 4.03 not 4.3
/// changing of the stringsto Hashtables is not understand by <<edit>>. US team is not understanded