Your Favorite Card

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Emperor of Games
Im Posting this to find out what is everybody's favorite LEGAL card




Mine are

M- I have 2... Jinzo and Exiled force i love that little guy

S- Pot of Greed Hands Down

T- I think its a toss up between Mirror Force and Ring of Destruction...
Ahh, gotta love these 8^D

Favorite Monster: Wall of Illusion...This little fiend has served me well, been served against me, and has such a wonderful effect packed into an effective defender.

Favorite Spell: Bait Doll...Oddly enough this guy has actually PREVENTED me from decking out in a match and making my opponent do so. I also find it higly versatile in trap Inspection. Most of the time its effect is recyclable, which is great.

Favorite Trap: Bark of Dark Ruler...I've used this baby offensively AND defensively in matches and it ALWAYS comes in handy for me. Its great to disrupt strategies (I'll use my high baller to wipe the field and let my lesser minions pick at life points) and to feed Brain Jacker.

I'm sure there are plenty near and dear to my heart, but those are the ones that popped into my head when you mentioned it.
Monster -

Kuriboh/Hane Kuriboh - Always helpful in a tightspot and Hane Kuriboh is a nice little Waboku varient, my PCY Kuriboh is something I will never ever let go.

DMG/Toon DMG - Cute, maybe no great effect but just always a card I've been atatched too, both varients. My first ed DMG is a card very valuable to me for multiple reasons

Magician's Valkyrie - Perfect for the Spellcasters, shame it misses Marauding's 2nd effect though

Spell -

Scapegoat - Again, vury handy and ya cannae go wrong with SHEEP

Enemy Controller - Even better then Change of Heart, quickplay, both defensive and offensive uses.

Diffusion Wave Motion - Makes very good use of high powered Spellcasters, no worries about face down monster effects either

Trap -

Magic Cylinder - Self explainitory, negates the attack, does even more damage to the attacker

Mirror Force - Very handy as everyone knows and a right bitch when its used against ya

Xing Zhen Hu - can make things very frustrating for your opponent when two are used, leaves them with just one s/t zone
I generally find it hard to pick favourites, so I'll just put some of the ones I use a lot.


The Armed Dragon line. My Armed Dragon lv. 5 is one of my most used monsters in my deck as he is easy to pull off and has a cool effect. Sadly I am yet to obtain an Armed dragon lv. 7.


Hmmm... possibly Nobleman of Crossout. My opponents are often enraged when I pull one of them on a flip-effect monster. It's been very useful in my experience.


Another hard choice really, there are some really good traps I'd like for my deck which I don't own. I'd say the trap I use most is Curse of Anubis. It's got me out of a lot of tight spaces and can be used very effectively.
Monster - Green Phantom King. Yeah, you heard me.

Spell - Rain of Mercy. Partly because of the following card, and partly just because of what it is. It may not be my favorite Magic card though, but it's the favorite of those I can think of offhand. My all time favorite card though is the GPK. I don't spend too much time focusing on my next favorites after it...

Trap - Bad Reaction to Simochi. Mainly Because my deck is based on it...
monster - Guardian Angel Joan. The image for this card is awsome.

Spell - Graceful Charity. draw 3 discard 2. thats perfectly fine with me.

Trap - Dimensional Wall - CRV - battle damage done to me during the battle phase is done to my opponent instead and it can only be activated when an opponent declares an attack.

basically a set up if you know how to do it. :)
Monster: Garuda the Wind Spirit. Unfortunately it hasn't realized its potential yet. But its at least good for protecting my Harpy Ladies (because since most monsters don't have a good defense to stand up to it, my opponent needs to Destroy Garuda first or will lose there monster) Also i play Golem Sentry in that deck to, and for the same reason my opponent will attack Garuda and not "Door Number 2" [pun intended ;)]

Spell: Big Bang Shot, Nothing quite like when my opponent summons a Big monster and i equip it to their monster, then set a Nimble Momonga, or ram a Gigantes into it removing it from play. Its an evil card

Trap: OMinous Fortune Telling, but sadly this doesn't make it into my decks for lack of room. At first glance one might think that it has a 33% chance of doing 700 damage. (or an average of 233 per turn): But in reality the odds of guessing right are much higher than that, as you can use your opponents actions and what deck they are playing to determine what cards they are holding: and jsut guess the type they are holding the most of. Also once you guessed right a few times, your opponent starts doing some dumbs things (like setting/playing all their spells or traps too early so that they have nothing in hand, or trying to hold on to one of each card type to minimize your chances of guessing right. ) And their changes of gamestyle will give you an advantage (e.g. Heavy Storming all those spells and traps, or swarming the field when they didn't play the card they needed to protect themselves.)
Monster: Gearfreid the Iron Knight, has always been on my favriote warriors(which helps being a i run a warrior/luck/earth hybrid deck, which has three gearfreids, and as cheesey as it sounds, he ususally never lets me down.)

Magic: Reversal Quiz Or Graceful Dice (actully i love foolish burial too, but thats not out yet) its such fun to see an oppenent attack my Big Eye and be like 'huh what do you run one of those for.' and then play Reversal Quiz on them. Graveful dice works well with most of my monsters if they get overpowered by beat sticks, since i only need a 1 for them too suicide or a two for them to lose the battle.

Trap: Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment or Skull Dice, i really like both of these, the dice becuase of the same reason as above and pikeru's because it can save my ass agaisnt and emporer blow up or any other burn cards
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