Yubel Deck


Not really sure if this is going to be a good deck to run competitively but I've gotta at least try it.

Monsters 5+
Yubel x2
Yubel Terror Incarnate x2
Yubel the ultimate Nightmare x2
Doom Shaman x2

Monsters 4-
Black Ptera
Twin-headed behemoth
Phantom of Chaos x2
Old vindictive magician
Man-eater Bug x3
Tree born frog
Mystic Tomato x3

Rare gold armor x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of crossout
Stray Lambs
Heavy Storm
Giant Trunade
Shallow Grave
Lightning vortex

Embodiment of Apophis x3
Generation shift x2
Staunch defender x2
Sakuretsu armor x2
Call of the haunted
Damage Condenser

Yeah, kinda magic and trap heavy. I was thinking of running another condenser and swapping in a couple of doomsday horrors (With Phantom of Chaos acting as a back up to the Yubels this will help refresh my deck a bit).

Obviously the deck isn't being played in anything beyond test duels. So far it's at about a 52% success rate, I hope to get it up to 70%+ by the time it's actually legal.
Magical dimension seems a bit too situational but Swing of memories would be very useful.

*Tries to find second copy of Swing*
hey, I've just posted a Yubel deck as well, why don't you have a look at it, might give you some ideas. Personally I think you're being a bit too random here, you're line-up isn't stable enough and doesn't guarantee the summon of Yubel which should be your priority. And no, Magical dimension has absolutely no place in this deck. Why bother to use it on Doom Shamen? There's nothing to summon with Dimension besides shaman, remember Yubel's a fiend
How is my deck unfocused? It's designed exclusively around bringing out Yubel and then either using effects to destroy stage one or forcing my opponent to attack the Yubel trio.
Since I don't have enough time to go into detail I suggest you check my variant on yubel, not that it's all that good but it'll give you an idea of what you should be going for with yubel.


First things first, there's absolutely no need to play stage 2 and 3 of yubel twice. You don't need 2 copies of them on the field and you can reset the evolution chain by simply comboing Yubel 1 with Doom Shaman; that's the main combo.

Next I noticed you're playing Black Ptera and Twin-headed Behemoth. Though you're conceptually right to play these, since they survive Yubel 2's effect in order to attack your opponent twice, the thing is, their stats won't allow them to get through. Remember you're most likely to come across monarchs, macro, etc... Either way, you need beatsticks rather than self-reviving 1500ATK monsters. there are 2 general options. First you could go with Asura Priest, a much more formidable monster which isn't hindered by scapegoats and above all is 1700ATK monster. Plus, since it automatically returns to your hand at the end phase, it won't be destroyed by Yubel 2. The second option is to use "Begone Knave!' which returns any monster to its owner's hand if it does any battle damage. This would allow you to play beatsticks without them being wiped out. Personally, I'll be testing the latter, since I've already tested the first option, which did ok by the way.

As for Phantom of Chaos, I'm lost. I don't quite know why you're playing them, so you'll have to fill me in on that.:)

Next I'm seeing a huge mistake: 1x Old vindictive Magician and 3x Man-eater bug??
Why?? You shouldn't be the one destroying Yubel and let it evolve but your opponent. They should have to waste cards if they want Yubel out of the picture but with the Bugs and Magicians, you're making in easier for them. You need your monster slots for something that'll get Yubel and Doom Shaman in your grave in order to pull your combo off. Personally I use 3x Armageddon Knight to do just that and 3x Tomatoes to fetch them and if necessary, summon Yubel 1 in order to shut down my opponent's battle phase if I'm in a pinch. Besides that, you need monsters to do some damage once you get Yubel 2 out and won't be destroyed by its effect. But if you insist on using Bug and Magician, at least dump the Bug and add Apprentice Magicians for speed, because you don't seem to have any speed.

Next I see Treeborn Frog, ..dump it :D . Seriously , don't try to tribute summon Doom Shaman but revive it from the grave with Swing of memories. And even besides Doom Shaman, Frog is utterly useless. Besides, you need Shaman's Gemini effect for your combo which uses up your Normal Summon. Meaning you have to special summon Shaman all the time and use your Normal summon to have him ressurect or simply (special) summon Yubel 1, then sacrifice Shaman because of Yubel 1's effect and voilà, you've got Terror Incarnate out clearing the field.

As a sidenote, the scenario of your opponent being forced to attack your yubels is unlikely, so don't expect it.

As for your spells, they're too random. You have to pack spells that'll help you make your combo as soon as possible, that means, Swing, Foolish Burial, etc (but I'll re-direct you to my yubel variant for that)

Finally your trap line-up should have 1 priority: Negation! You need to make sure that you can stop most cards that could mean a turning of the tables in a duel, meaning: monarchs hiting the field (especially Raiza since we don't want to have our Yubels bounced to the top of our deck, locking our draw), Destiny Draw, Macro Cosmos or Dimensional Fissure, etc... You ought to go with something like this:

3x Solemn Judgment
3x Dark Illusion
3x Metal reflect Slime
1x Call of the haunted
1x Torrential Tribute
(possibly some Dark Bribe's though we don't want our opponent's drawing a card every time we negate one, though that's up to you. I haven't tested Bribes just yet, for now I prefer Illusions.)

You can add "Begone Knave!" if you're going for that option and probably drop a Slime for those or something, I have yet to test "BK!" myself so..

Pease don't think that I'm being an a***ole here, just trying to help out. Anyway I guess I did get into detail:p
Hope I was any help. If you need more tips just check out my Yubel variant.
It's also too bad you're only looking at it from one angle.

Once someone realizes it's a Yubel deck they'll adjust and NOT destroy Yubel but focus on my other monsters so stage one wipes itself out.

That's why I'm running MEB and OVM.

As for the respawners, they aren't there to attack. They exist as fodder for stage one's effect maintenance. I'll be changing out Ptera and maybe twin for a couple of Samsara Lotus' as they're more reliable for one turn survival.

I was also toying with the
idea of loading in Lava Golem and Grinder Golem. Giving me something to attack with stage three for some real damage.

Phantoms are there as a stand in for any of the Yubels should I need it.

Monsters 5+
Yubel x2
Yubel Terror Incarnate x2
Yubel the ultimate Nightmare x2
Doom Shaman x2

Monsters 4-
Black Ptera
Twin-headed behemoth
Phantom of Chaos x2
Old vindictive magician
Man-eater Bug x2
Tree born frog
Mystic Tomato x3

Rare gold armor x2
Swing of memories x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of crossout
Stray Lambs
Heavy Storm
Giant Trunade
Premature Burial
Lightning vortex

Embodiment of Apophis x3
Generation shift x2
Staunch defender x2
Sakuretsu armor
Call of the haunted
Damage Condenser

I'm glad this isn't going to be a primary.
Well I can't really say I agree with you. First of all, it doesn't matter if your opponent realizes if you're playing Yubel because by that time it SHOULD be a little too late to stop Yubel from evolving. Which is also why you ought to go with Solemns, Illusions, Bribes, etc. So using MEB and OVM to destroy your own Yubel is pointless. Besides how do you plan on pulling that off? If we follow the logic of your deck than the scenario would be something like this: 1. bring Yubel out, 2 keep him on the field, 3 destroy it with MEB or OVM. I can guarantee you it won't be often that you'll manage to do that. Keeping a monster on the field to tribute for Yubel is hard enough, but you want to destroy it yourself, that means setting and flipping MEB or OVM. The successrate for that is just too low in my opinion. Seeing your line-up, I've noticed you've got absolutely nothing to repel monarchs. If even 1 Raiza hits the field and either bounces your set MEB or OVM or Yubel, you'll be trapped. Besides, destroying Yubel yourself means YOU have to invest extra cards to have Yubel evolve. That's an effort we want our opponent to make. So let them wast their cards on our Yubel(s).

Also, people won't wait for Yubel to destroy himself, they'll bounce Yubel, and if that happens, it's "game over".

Furthermore, I don't think you understand the combo you should make in this deck. From what I can tell from you're line-up you'll try to tribute summon Doom Shaman to the field, activate its Gemini effect next turn and bring out Yubel. A 2-turn combo? It won't work, especially since a tribute summon in this deck should be your absolute last resort. You have to dump both Shaman and practically all your Yubels in the grave via Armageddon Knight and Foolish Burial. The next step is to revive Shaman with either Swing of memories or premature Burial (special summon) then use your Normal summon to activate its Gemini effect and special summon Yubel from the grave (or your hand, it depends). Afterwards you tribute Shaman to maintain Yubel but since Shaman leaves the field, so do all other monsters who were special summoned by him, meaning Yubel is destroyed by an effect other than its own and can thus evolve. It's still an elaborate combo but this can be done in 1 single turn, increasing your odds of overwhelming your opponent and run amok :p

As a sidenote, don't use Lotus, it burns yourself AND it can only be special summoned if you haven't got any spells or traps out? no good, sorry.

On the other hand, the idea of playing Lava Golem is a bit appealing, since it keeps on burning your opponent because he can't attack Yubel. And should you have Yubel 3 out, then its 3000 damage. Though again, playing Lava Golem is another reason is to add negation!. If your adversary manages to get rid of Yubel one way or another, you've got yourself a 3000ATK beatstick to worry about, so playing Golem will require some changes.

Lastly, if you add the necessary negation to your line-up, you can repel your opponent long enough to make your move. Anyway, they're bound to find out it's a Yubel-deck some time:D . And even so, you simply sidedeck to something else for round 2. Personally I've always liked the idea of siding to Macro, but I don't know if it'll work, I'm still testing myself.
Wow. Real deck discussion. Hadn't seen that here for a while. Any way, don't mind me. Just thought I'd mention it. :soso:
even tho' i usually get trashed for saying it - i think chain destruction should have merit in yubel decks.... as well as some token generators...
i've also been thinking yubel may work in a removal/macro environ... since it/they only needs to be destroyed to get off effect to fetch next stage...which allows scout planes to be used for the endphase tributes... with all the fetch & pitch dark support - could be interesting...
Yeah I proxy tested it with some friends using not only their decks but a few of my own (Crystal Beast, Big City, Zombie, BEWD, Samurai) It wasn't reliable enough.

So, Vanguard I looked at your build and, Well... they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right?

Monsters 5+
Yubel x2
Yubel, Terror Incarnate
Yubel, The ultimate nightmare
Doom Shaman x2

Monsters 4-
Asura Priest x3
Armageddon Knight x3 (Technically not in yet, waiting on mail and trades)
Mystic Tomato x3
The Calculator x3 (I can't believe how much a bruiser this card can become)
Man-Eater Bug x2 (Just temporary)
Treeborn Frog

Magic (Leave me alone I'm old school)
Swing of Memories x3
Reinforcement of the Army x2
Foolish Burial x2
Dark Eruption x2
Card destruction
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn

Solemn Judgment
Dark Bribe x2
Dark Illusion x2
Zoma the Spirit
Embodiment of Apophis x2

Yeah it's at 43, Most likely those MEB's are coming out I don't like pushing 42 TOPS.
Changed the build a bit more.

Total: 41

Monsters 5+
Yubel x2
Yubel, Terror Incarnate
Yubel, The ultimate nightmare
Doom Shaman x2

Monsters 4-
Asura Priest x3
Armageddon Knight x3 (Technically not in yet, waiting on mail and trades)
Mystic Tomato x3
The Calculator x3 (I can't believe how much a bruiser this card can become)
Treeborn Frog

Magic (Leave me alone I'm old school)
Swing of Memories x3
Reinforcement of the Army x2
Foolish Burial x2
Dark Eruption x2
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn

Solemn Judgment
Dark Bribe x2
Dark Illusion x2
Zoma the Spirit x2
Embodiment of Apophis

Not a big change but hey, it's thinned down to a reliable number of cards at least.
I play tested it today after work against a coworker who, with no malice meant towards him at all, is NOT a very good player and this deck lost three times in a row, it only managed to deal damage ONCE in three duels.

Now, Maybe I'm not running it properly but It seems this deck needs a LOT more speed.
My deck is very similar to yours but if you can try adding metal reflect slimes 2 or 3 with make you calculator combo godly. also raregold armor or a switch will make life point damage quicker
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