Zane DP

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cuzwbd said:
pardon my ignorance - what's D-C ??
did u mean c-d and i think the first guy means the cyber dark monster, also i know i saw the new duelist packs (not sure if they were the zane ones just know they were new and somebody bought alot to get one of the new cards in it) already on sale here at my local comic store
ricencracker said:
did u mean c-d and i think the first guy means the cyber dark monster, also i know i saw the new duelist packs (not sure if they were the zane ones just know they were new and somebody bought alot to get one of the new cards in it) already on sale here at my local comic store
Only Aster and Jaden 2 have been released so far (this year).
No specific date on it has been said, but all we know is that it will be released in March. No telling when though.

And also, get this:

Cyber Dragon = Rare
Chimeratech Overdragon = Rare
Cyber Twin Dragon = Rare
Cyber End Dragon = Rare
Cyberdark Dragon = Super Rare

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