Zombie help


Just built this, I haven't run a Zombie deck in a long while but since it got a swarm boost I thought I'd give it another shot.

Total Cards: 40

Monsters 5+
Il Blud
Ryu Kokki x2
Vampire Lord x2

Monsters 4-
pyramid Turtle x3
Zombie Master x3
Morphing Jar
Mad Reloader
Spirit Reaper

Smashing Ground
Creature Swap x2
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Premature Burial
card of safe return x2
Heavy Storm
Lightning Vortex
Giant Trunade
Book of life x2
Call of the Mummy x2
foolish burial x2
Book of moon
Mystical Space Typhoon

Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute

Sakuretsu Armor x2
Royal Decree x2
Shield Crush x2
Shrink x2
Compulsory evacuation device x2
Brain Control
Dust Tornado
regenerating mummy x2
Des Lacooda
Really? no ideas?

Anyway, I've increased the card count to 41 by adding in a Sangan.

I figure with the swarm speed the deck can't really be hurt too much by adding ONE extra card.
maybe it's just me, but 15 total monsters is quite low. especially for a deck whose strength is in cycling monsters between hand and grave.

have you play tested this?
i'd consider main-ing the regenerating (to flesh out the number of monsters)
and/or despair from the dark.
a free 2800 atk with call of the mummy isn't too shabby.
id take out
1 vamp lord
1 call of the mummy
2 foolish burial
1 giant trunade
1 mad reloader
1 fissure

and add in
1 breaker the magical warrior
1 snipe hunter
1 jinzo
2 giant rat
1 book of life
1 card of safe return
1 brain control (I know you have one in your side but it is better in the main)

there you go it is 42 cards but then again with my changes you have 6 monsters that let you search others out 4 cards that draw cards one of those gets you 5 cards

v lord is great and all but ive noticed with modern zombies he is better at one
I know I haven't done this in a while.

I think the deck looks interesting. Just a few questions:

Total Cards: 40

Monsters 5+
Il Blud
Ryu Kokki x2
Vampire Lord x2

Just wondered why only these, there are some very good 5+ zombies out there that can be brought out quickly if needed such as Patrician of Darkness or Dispair from the Dark and/or Dark Dust Spirit.

Monsters 4-
pyramid Turtle x3
Zombie Master x3
Morphing Jar
Mad Reloader
Spirit Reaper

I really like what you did here. My only suggestions would be to use a Return Zombie and or a Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower.

Smashing Ground
Creature Swap x2
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Premature Burial
card of safe return x2
Heavy Storm
Lightning Vortex
Giant Trunade
Book of life x2
Call of the Mummy x2
foolish burial x2
Book of moon
Mystical Space Typhoon

I would suggest that you change Creature Swap with Shallow Grave. Shallow Grave allows you back into your grave.

Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute

I think I would actually get rid of mirror force, Bottomless Trap Hole x1.
You might want to think of using a magic jammer, dust tornado, a sakuretsu armor or even a draining shield. Use something that can protect you and or hurt your opponnent in the use of their spell cards.

I don't want to comment on a side deck because any of the cards I have suggested would work well enough in a side deck. Otherwise it looks really good.

I hope this helps.
quck question sirchi why would you take out mirror force then suggest putting in a sakuretsu armor

creature swap is actually much better then shallow grave because it allows you to send them your pyramid turtle sangan etc...... and get a strong monster from your opponent and on the rare occasion you can swap one turtle to your opp then attack it with another. the deck can grab monsters from the grave really well with zombie master il blud book of life premature burial, call of the haunted.

zombies are aggressive and by allowing your opponent to get a special summon it only slows you down.

the reason he isn't using the other good 5+ zombies is because while they are good they dont really help swarm the field or put much pressure on your opponent. the deck is made to drop the opponents life points to zero not mill the deck the more damage you can deal fast the better.

dust tornado is a good suggestion but i wouldn't take out mirror force or any of the power traps for any.

now I know this may sound like im bashing you but it is to help educating you that decks shouldn't try to put stuff in that actually detract from the way it is built sure soul absorbing bone tower works with all of the zombie special summoning the deck has but it is just not the most efficient way to play zombies and actually doesn't work with shallow grave since it summons them face-down.

now im not saying you shouldn't suggest that stuff but just pay some attention to which section you put them in your suggestions would be better recieved in the casual play deck section wear as the advanced deck section is more for competitive play.
That's okay germmie. Like I said, I hadn't made suggestions about decks for a while. I am a Zombie Freak. Always have been, always will be. I guess my suggestions are based on my love of field lock down along with getting zombies out or back on the field quickly. I understand your question about mirror force. It's just that everytime I get one out, my opponent seems to somehow to prevent it's use.

Don't worry about what you write to me, it's part of the forum, comments that are to be helpful. I did not get offended.

I will let you all know thou, as soon as I can get the rest of my cards out of storage, I will be posting alot for suggestions and help. Being out of the loop for the time I was gone did not help.:D
Thanks for the help guys. I actually use the Foolish Burials in conjunction with Book of life and Zombie Master.

EX: Drop a Zombie in the graveyard with foolish and them use either book to bring it to the field or Zombie Master (Usually in conjunction with Reaper for a semi-permanent wall in rare situations or Pyramid turtle).

Foolish is actually remarkably useful in a Zombie deck.

Mad reloader I think I will dump to at least side deck. With only one it's usefulness is reduced.

I'm reluctant to drop fissure as my monster removal is already limited in this deck.

Trunade, well I can see dropping it but it HAS helped me win with this deck on more than one occasion.

I do want to add in some rats to speed my Pyramid Turtles.

What I'd REALLY like to add are a couple of Mask of Restricts. Right now the major stumbling block to my deck is running into Monarchs.

... ... ...

God I hope Monarchs get restricted to one each.
Okay here's the latest mod to the deck

Total Cards: 42

Monsters 5+
Il Blud
Ryu Kokki x2
Vampire Lord x2

Monsters 4-
pyramid Turtle x3
Zombie Master x3
Morphing Jar
Spirit Reaper
Regenerating Mummy x2
Giant Rat x2

Smashing Ground
Creature Swap x2
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Premature Burial
card of safe return x2
Heavy Storm
Lightning Vortex
Book of life x3
Call of the Mummy
foolish burial x2
Book of moon
Mystical Space Typhoon

Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrential Tribute

I want to add in my two new Mask of restricts. Heavy hitters on my opponents side are just about the only thing I've encountered that can hurt my zombie horde.