

New Member
2x ryu kokki
3x zombie master
3x goblin zombie
2x mezuki
3x pyramid turtle
1x sangan
1x spirit reaper
2x giant rat
1x neo spacian grand mole
2x krebons
2x psychic commander

2x emergency teleport
3x allure of darkness
2x creature swap
2x instant fusion
heavy storm
2x card of safe return
monster reborn
brain control
burial from a different dimension

2x royal decree & a jinzo...
2x reaper on the nightmare
2x goyo guardian
2x collossal
2x red dragon archfiend
2x stardust

kind of limited by what i have...zombie wise
3x skill drain
3x dust tornado
mirror force
torrential tribute
3x bottomless trap hole
2x inferno reckless summon
Yeah what helps is how ya can drop a rare dragonness the wicked knight and laugh your ass off at the shocked and confused look ion the opponentas face until you flip teleport for goyo.

This deck looks a lot like an alternate to my current one which is teleddt. I got no alluyres so i have d-draws instead. mostly the same beyond that for spells. Nice idea anyway. Oh and a super rare flame swordsman would be epic to play.