YGO Articles & Guides

I would like to thank Digital Jedi for giveing me the opportunity to be a Staff Writer here at the City. Thankyou Now almost all of us can say we have played "Battleship". A game that was very popular"¦a while ago. Now over time we have been introduced to Battleship cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! With the release of Big Core in Rise of Destiny no one ever really thought much of him. Next came B.E.S. Crystal Core in the release of Cybernetic Revolution, and yet once again these Battleships were thrown away. But now with the release of Elemental Energy we are introduced to yet another Battleship monster"¦ B.E.S. Tetran, as well as a magic support card that goes by the name of Boss Rush. You will more than likely not see these "Battleship"...
Let's see if we can get this straightened out. the duelist on the street article #1 Ok hi i'm i am cao pi and i'm thought I should give to the community of gamers of this online city that we call cog, so to make a long story short i'm going to grace you with my article that i'm gonna post weekly on my site and here on cog.This article addresses the things that some duelists can't get over[ good deck building,using cards right,mentality of dueling, etc.].And this week I'm gonna cover one of the most scariest and most exciting part of a duelist's career,going to their first tournement. Hello fellow duelists. I welcome you to my humble article, now the lesson i'm gonna teach you this week is how to get through your first tournement and...
My friend NintendoMan over at Itstimetoduel.com made a Strike Ninja deck, so I wrote an article about it, please tell me what you think, critisize away. NintendoMan's Deck: Strike Back Into Action The main thing you need to know about this deck is, Strike Ninja decks are all about field control. Strike Ninja is the deck master in the deck; he has synergy with pretty much all the cards you are playing. Before destroyed, you may remove him for a turn, along with 2 Dark monsters in your graveyard from play, so that he may once again come back to fight another day (see it's a rhyme ^^). Now I know removing isn't always a good thing, but utilizing Strike Ninja's ability actually promotes field advantage later on in the duel and...
My Forked Path: Single-Cell Mechanics Hello duelists, glad to be back. The purpose of my next articles are to show you some cards that have virtually never been played, and how they can be used in today's new meta to deal hard damage. With the release of Magic Ruler so long ago, many duelists have forgotten about our little single celled friend, Ameba. Ameba was a card that was tossed into the wind, even though Change of Heart and Snatch Steal were being ran in every deck, although your opponent would have to take control of Ameba they would more than likely sacrifice it, giving them an advantage, but only at a cost. Even when Creature Swap came into the mix this little guy had no play at all. Well with the help from the Spy of...
The academic year is finally over and I have about a month to write a few articles before going to upstate New York to work at a camp. My first article will be an article on what many of you here at IG forums know me well for; unique deck building. There are three kinds of unique decks; concept, base, and support. A support deck is a deck that has specific support like warriors. To build a unique support deck is very difficult; you need to use cards"¦ or concepts not typically used. One thing you need to remember about unique decks is that they are only unique till everyone else uses them... catch 22 I believe the term is. Some thoughts that come to mind when I think of a unique support deck is insect, normal weenie monster, or a...
<insert image of scruffy Viking with a double blade axe sluffed on his shoulder, a Dark Ruler Ha Des held by the bottom corner pushed close up to your face, and a menacing, yes questioning look on the Vikings face. /> Greets all! The recent I've read around the net about Warriors and Chaos Decks led me to think about how I evaluate my decks, and cards when I build. I could personally care less if a group of Warriors have swarmed the field, because a single Tribe Infecting Virus can wipe them out. There is too much emphasis placed on speed in the current game. Sure there are swarming monsters and first turn kill decks, but they don't really do much on a grander scale. This leads me to share a concept that I hope will help (both...
Now, Divine Wrath time: Card Text: Divine Wrath Counter Trap Discard 1 card from your hand. Negate the activation and the effect of an Effect Monster and destroy the monster. Divine Wrath can be used against any Trigger effect, besides Archfiends, because Archfiends are unique. Their Trigger effect occurs during chain resolution, so you cannot interrupt the chain to start a new one with Divine Wrath. Divine Wrath can be used against Ignition effects, Multi-Trigger effects, and Flip Effects as well. Multi-Trigger effects include those such as Ryu Senshi, Dark Paladin, Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8, Sorceror of Dark Magic, Maryokutai, A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit, etc. You can also chain Divine Wrath to effects of...
First off I would like to thank Delinquent Duo (ITTD member) and DarkFlare for really being good friends and helping me with this article as much as they did. Now... What if while you were dueling you had the advantage of making your opponent lose the life points that you would lose? No, I'm not crazy. It is possible, and I'll show you how. With EEN coming to us in a few months I did some researching. I have searched through the set for a card that will not only be fun to run, but also competitive. I have found that card, Hell Soldier. Hell Soldier Warrior LV4 ATK/1200 DEF/1400 When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard as a result of your opponent's attack, do damage to your opponent's life points equal to the...
From The Empyrion - September 2005 Sign up for The Empyrion today! Asking The Right Questions by John Danker In one of the many Pink Panther movies the inspector is talking with a man who has a small dog standing in front of them. Eventually the bumbling inspector asks the man, "Does your dog bite?" The man calmly replies, "No" The inspector smiles and reaches down to pet the dog and immediately the dog tears into the inspector's hand with a vicious growl and teeth. Pulling his hand back quickly the inspector, a bit shaken, blurts out, "I thought you said your dog does not bite!" to which the other man replies, "It's not my dog." This can sum up a great many situations that a judge stumbles upon. It's very easy to take a current...
If I forgot about some rules, please don't cut my head off... ^^ Since there was no sticky thread 'how can I contribute' or 'how can I bring an article online', I was so free and just started this thread.. This will also find it's way to the Judge-List Lv3, but I'm afraid all the cool guys that hadn't had the chance to write and pass the Lv3 test would have no chance to contribute. Therefore, I'll also post this article here. This is a translation of my GERMAN article, please don't mind my bad English. soul :cool: ------------------------- As we all know, there's already a very good article about Priority (see the article by Helpoemer316 located at http://www.cogonline.net/threads.2229&highlight=Priority), but still...
More then half the questions I receive as a judge are regarding priority. Priority is perhaps the most complex aspect of Yu-Gi-Oh. It took me about 5 months to search for all the facts and completely understand it. I am psyched that I have this opportunity to deliver all the facts about priority in a section that can be read in several minutes so that no one has to search for the answers regarding priority questions as I did ever again. When Yu-Gi-Oh first came out the rules were fairly simple; If I summon Catapult Turtle and you destroy Catapult turtle with Trap Hole then I couldn't use Catapult Turtle effect because it wasn't on the field. This is not longer the case; the game has become more complex and intricate. Yu-Gi-Oh is at the...
Field Control through SWARMING Andrew J. Mueller URjustSOL Today, I'm going to talk about an important aspect of Beatdown Yu-Gi-Oh! called swarming. Swarming is an aspect of Yu-Gi-Oh! that allows you to generate a superior attacking force to overwhelm your opponent's monsters and/or defenses. This usually results in a large amount of Life Point damage being done in a single turn. Swarming: The ability to rush the field with more monsters than one could normally summon during a turn. Beatdown: The process of reducing your opponent's Life Points to zero (0) through attacking. This is usually accomplished with high attack 4-star monsters, or through rushing the field with a large number of monsters...
Monster's Effects (Mar 10, 2005 11:45 am) Continuous Effect: Continuous Effect will become activate as soon as the monster hits the field in faced up position. Continuous Effect is time stamped, and multiple Continuous Effects will resolve starting with the oldest timestamp first. A Continuous Effect will disappear if the Continuous Effect monster is removed from the field or is turned faced down. Continuous Effect has no spell speed, thus you cannot chain to its effect. Flip Effect: Flip effects will activate when the monster is flipped faced up by flip summon, flipped faced up during damage step, or is flipped faced up by any card effect. Flip Effect is also considered Trigger Effect. Flip Effect is spell speed 1. All monsters...
Ruling Changes/Spelled-Out Rulings Ahh, the ruling changes. These are really gonna change the way this game is played. Mainly the new "flip" count rulings. There are other rulings coming down from UDE, so I'll update as he does. Alright, first off, the most influential ruling change, that you can now make 1 manual change and any number of effect changes. An ideal example of this ruling change will involve Tsukuyomi and Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. Player A has a face-down monster on the field and a face-up Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. Player B has a face-up Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning in attack mode, summoned in a previous turn. Player B may remove Player A's face-down monster. Then summon...
As an authority on Yu-Gi-Oh people often ask me what they should put in their side deck. My answer is always the same: "A side deck must do three things: it must address the weaknesses of your deck, it must address the strengths of your deck, and it must address the Meta in which you play.". Often this is all the advice I am able to give because I am busy with one thing or another. Since I have finished my freshman year I have decided to spend what little free time I have scheduled for myself writing several articles, including this one, on side decks. Addressing the Meta: Let me begin by explaining the side deck and how it must adapt to the Meta. The side deck is, in most cases, an extension of the main deck in the sense that it...
This isn't an article or 'guide', per se, but an inventory of Tokens that are found within the Yu-gi-oh! TCG that is currently released by Upper Deck. Sheep (Beast-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) Slime (Aqua-Type/WATER/LEVEL 1/ATK 500/DEF 500) Wicked Plant (Plant-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 800/DEF 800) Lekunga (Plant-Type/WATER/Level 2/ATK 700/DEF 700) Army Ant (Insect-Type/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 500/DEF 1200) Wicked (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) Ojama (Beast-Type/LIGHT/Level 2/ATK 0/DEF 1000) Poisonous Snake(Reptile-Type/EARTH/3 Stars/ATK 1200/DEF 1200) Lamb (Beast-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) Insect Monster (Insect-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 100/DEF 100) Mirage (?-Type/?/Level ?/ATK ?/DEF ?) Phantasm...
Waboku -- The Great Emissary of "Disharmony" Waboku -- The Great Emissary of "Disharmony" Written by Dave Brent Waboku is seeing a great deal of tournament play these days, yet its effect still appears to be misunderstood by some. It really is a simple card once you have the basics down. The questions concerning Waboku continue to be asked of the Netrepâ„¢s', on message boards, and during tournaments. Hopefully, this article will clear up any remaining misconceptions regarding this commonly used Trap Card. Waboku Text Any damage inflicted by an opponent's monster is decreased to 0 during the turn this card is activated. History Contrary to popular belief, the rulings on Waboku have not recently changed (and probably never...
Dust Tornado and Quick Play Spell Cards Written by Gary Haynes Well, here we go delving into another card that was one of my favorites. It's not much anymore since The Creator's decided to take out the 3rd line and reduce its effectiveness. Of course, we're talking about yet another Trap card from the wonderful Pharaoh's Servant set named "Dust Tornado". First let's look at the original text: Card Text: Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field. You can then Set 1 Magic or Trap Card from your hand. This card can only be activated if it is a QUICKPLAY Spell Card. Now remember that the errata to the card removes the last line, therefore the current card text is: Card Text: Destroy 1 Magic or Trap...
The Ins and Outs of Mirage of Nightmare Written by Jason Grabber-Meyer Mirage of Nightmare is, in the minds of many duelists, a flavour card. It's the kind of card where if it works for you, great, but if it doesn't, that's just sort of too bad and you move on. In my mind that's true: for some reason it seems like some people just have an innate ability to get a lot of beneficial use out of Mirage, while others consistently get screwed over by it, watching their Raigeki, Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, and other staples hit the discard while they're powerless to prevent it. That's part of the beauty of Yu-Gi-Oh: some things work for some people, and some things don't. But, before you write off Mirage of Nightmare as not being...
Nobleman of Crossout Written by Gary Haynes Destroy 1 face-down Monster Card and remove it from play. If the monster destroyed has a Flip Effect, both players must remove all Monster Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled. Remember when this game did not have real mechanics and the basis for rulings on cards like this went something like: In the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, you only check the validity of whether a card can be played, and whether the target of the card is correct, when you announce your intention to play the card. If later steps in a chain render it so that the targeting is no longer correct, or the conditions no longer valid, the card still resolves. Not...