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  1. V

    10/01/05 Fiend Swarm Deck

    Thanks, you're too kind... :embarasse Anyway, I expect to catch a lot of flak for running Raigeki Break, so here's a little mini-article about why Raigeki Break is awesome... Yeah, it's a 2-for-1. Yeah, it's a horrible topdeck. Yeah, it's bad hand management. But that doesn't matter for...
  2. V

    10/01/05 Fiend Swarm Deck

    Updated once again! What's everybody's opinion on the new version? Notable additions include Cyber Jar and Dark Mimic LV3 among other things...
  3. V

    It's midnight...

    Neat deck. You might want to consider replacing the Dimension Fusion and maybe one of the Bubble Shuffles for a pair of Hero Signals. You might also want to find some room for a Reinforcement of the Army in there for some added monster searchability... Speaking of monsters... only 14? I would...
  4. V

    sirch1964's h/w list

    Sounds good to me. PM me with the shipping details (I lost your address from last time :embarasse ) and I should be able to get these out to you by tomorrow...
  5. V

    sirch1964's h/w list

    Ooh, very nice, let me know what else you want off me: So far: Your: DM LV3 Brain Control Scapegoat for My: DD Gate DD Master Soul Exchange (do you just want 1, or both? I also have a 3rd common one...) Sasuke Samurai #3 Other Stuff... ...let me know what else you want off my list so...
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    sirch1964's h/w list

    How many Dark Mimic LV3s do you have? I would be willing to trade all that stuff (including both of my Soul Exchanges)
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    sirch1964's h/w list

    No, I want your Dark Mimic LV3. Chaos General told me you had one unlisted, which is the main thing I'm looking for. Check my list, (its in my sig) if I have anything you'd be willing to trade it for...
  8. V

    sirch1964's h/w list

    I hear you have Dark Mimic LV3's. I have a Sasuke Samurai #3, and CML for anything else you might want to trade for them.
  9. V

    Zombie Zoo update

    Oops, my bad :embarasse . But my point still stands, Barrel Behind the Door is best in the side-deck...
  10. V

    The Dark Alliance

    Hey, Pumpking is awesome (bad, but awesome). They sould make some cards that support a Zombie/Fiend alliance, like the ones that support Warriors/Spellcasters. Something like: KING OF HALLOWEEN - PUMPKING Dark/Zombie/6/1800/2000 Effect: As long as this card remains in play, at the beginning of...
  11. V

    Zombie Zoo update

    Oooh, I like this deck, just a few things I want to add... 1. Call of the Mummy is horribly over-rated. Even in a pure Zombie deck with a lot of tributes, it only has any real use at the beginning of the game. I would take out at least 1 of them. 2. I don't see why Barrel Behind the Door is...
  12. V

    ChaosGeneral's New Have/Wants

    Hmm, I dunno, I value my Vortex pretty highly. I'd be willing to do something like: My: Ult Rare Elemental Mistress Doriado Dimension Wall Lightning Vortex for your: Cyber Jar Blowback Dragon Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Ectoplasmer Smashing Ground
  13. V

    Vampiric Cthulhu's have/want list

    I don't mind if they're commons... Hmmm, do you have any of these: Berserk Gorilla Mobius the Frost Monarch Newdoria Dark Jeroid Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer Bazoo the Soul-Eater Giant Trunade Sangan Sakuretsu Armor Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei Threatening Roar Rising Air Current
  14. V

    ChaosGeneral's New Have/Wants

    I also like your Slate Warrior and Strike Ninja. I could also use a Dark Mimic LV3 if you have one, if not, there are also a number of commons I could use, namely Smashing Ground, Bottomless Trap Hole, Wave-Motion Cannon, and Book of Moon, if you have any of those to spare... How about...
  15. V

    ChaosGeneral's New Have/Wants

    I'm really interested in your Cyber Jars. CML (the link is my sig) to see if you want anything (I've gotten a couple new cards since the last time we traded...)
  16. V

    Vampiric Cthulhu's have/want list

    The Emissary is mint. Nothing on your list really jumps out at me. If you you have any of the following rares/commons, we might be able to work something out: Cyber Jar Morphing Jar Dark Mimic LV3 Bottomless Trap Hole Cannon Soldier Smashing Ground Book of Moon Wave-Motion Cannon Toon Cannon...
  17. V

    i am cao pi's trade list

    I'm interested in your Card of Sanctity and your Dark Mimic LV3 (if you still have it) From your Wants I have Tribute to The Doomed (Both the SR and Common versions) and Wabokus. Check my list (the link is in my sig) to see if theres anything else you want off it, and we could probably work...
  18. V

    10/01/05 Fiend Swarm Deck

    I don't have a DM LV3. I prefer LV 1 anyway, since it can be reused w/ Book of Moon and brought back with Night Assailant's effect, plus it just needs to flip, not be destroyed in battle. Granted I would probably add 1 if I had 1...
  19. V

    10/01/05 Fiend Swarm Deck

    Hmm, I really like that Shallow Grave idea, since it lets me get some extra use out of all my little flip effect monsters. Card of Sanctity is another neat idea, if I could get my hands on one I would probably try it out. Raigeki Break and Monster Reincarnation are there just because often...
  20. V

    Dd. Warrior Tcg Release!

    You are correct. Here is its English text from the Stairway to the Destined Duel GBA game: DIMENSIONAL WARRIOR Earth/Warrior/4/1200/1000 When this card attacks or is attacked, both this card and the opposing monster are removed from play and cannot return during the current duel. HOWEVER...