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    YGO Card Name Game

    Storm Shooter
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Desrook Archfiend?
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    Gadjets - Anti-Gadjet Card

    Instead of Chain Destruction, I would recomend Chain Disappearance
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    Chain Strike Deck

    No, If he actiates Jar of Greed then CS, it deals 800. If he activetes Gracful Charity, CS, then Jar. He draws a card, opp, loses 800lp, he draws 3 cards and discards 2
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    YGO Card Name Game

    Getsu Fuma
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    Gravekeeper's with magical dimension

    Magical Dimension would be a dead draw without two spellcasters
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    Des Frog Family

    D.3.s. Frog D.3.S. Frog Des Frog Des Frog Des Frog Fairy King Trusdale Fairy King Trusdale t.a.d.p.o.l.e. t.a.d.p.o.l.e. t.a.d.p.o.l.e. treeborn frog treeborn frog treeborn frog Beelze frog Beelze frog beelze Frog Sangan Green Kappa Green Kappa Lord Poisen Lord Poisen x x x Polymerization...
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    Des Frog Family

    D.3.S. Frog D.3.S. Frog Des Frog Des Frog Des Frog Fairy King Trusdale Fairy King Trusdale T.A.D.P.O.L.E. T.A.D.P.O.L.E. T.A.D.P.O.L.E. Treeborn Frog Treeborn Frog Treeborn Frog Beelze Frog Beelze Frog Beelze Frog Sangan Green Kappa Green Kappa Lord Poisen Lord Poisen...
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    tomato control 4 tourney

    They actvaite in the grave and The End of Anubis will neagte their effects.
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    Share the Pain

    Forgot that was iin there
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    Share the Pain

    Fiend Comedian is solely for Exchange of the Spirit, but Big Burn will fuel Gren Maju I need two more cards to replace Chthonian Blast
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    Does Prettiness Matter

    I have two, but not from Konami. I admit I love holos, that's why I duel wiht them. In fact the only card I will never trade (or duel with) is my Rare Giant Soldier of Stone.
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    Treeborn Frog SOI-EN025? (Yomigaeru SOI-JP025)

    Once it's removed fromthe graveyard it's effect is reset. But if they use call or preme, they waste a revival and have a 100 in attack posistion. Dark Ruler is 1 tribute is only matched by 3 other cards. The End of Anubis, Giga Gagagigo, and Summoned Skull. can someone look at my newest deck
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    Does Prettiness Matter

    I'm thinking I should just put my pretty card in a book and play with the less expensive versons, but then what's the point of haveing them?
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    feww, I was scarred at first.:)
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    Treeborn Frog SOI-EN025? (Yomigaeru SOI-JP025)

    Ruling 2 Flip Effects and effects that activate in the Graveyard WILL be negated. This includes "Sinister Serpent", "Sangan", "Witch of the Black Forest", "Marie the Fallen One", "Mystic Tomato", "Giant Rat", "Masked Dragon", "Magician of Faith", "Man-Eater Bug", "Nimble Momonga", "Twin-Headed...
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    Fantasy Card Review - Traps

    Second Chance Counter trap If your opponent paid Life Points to activate a Spell or Trap Card, he/she can pay the same amount to negate this card. If not, negate the actvation of the card and destroy it. The Smell of Rotting Flesh Normal Trap Decrease the ATK and DEF of 1 face-up monster by...
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    Does Prettiness Matter

    Nobleman of Crossout's are about as rare as Royal Decrees in my area Ps. POst 200
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    Uria/Trap deck (need help)

    Ominous Fortunetelling, Battle Scarred, The Emperor's Holiday
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    Treeborn Frog SOI-EN025? (Yomigaeru SOI-JP025)

    This card might revive the use of Dark Ruler Ha Des who will negate Sinister Serpent, Treeborn Frog, and Fox Fire. ps. Did you know most people forget that Dark Ruler's effect applies to all fiends on your field.