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  1. D

    Rate my Deck

    i give it an 8/10. ive only seen 2 other decks like this.they were really tough.
  2. D

    Spirit of the Pot of Greed IOC-009

    Those Cards Aren't Very Good. I Can't Think Of A Reason To Use Either Of Those, Un Less You Want Spirit of the Pot of Greed As Chaos Food And Stiil, That's A Waste. They May Do Something Like They Did With Skull Servant, Made It Good By Basing Cards Around It.
  3. D

    Triangle Ecstacy Spark

    Harpie Lady Sisters Would Be At 2700 Because The Card Says It Increases It Up To 2700, Not By 750
  4. D

    d4rkn355,s have/want list

    current trades: none
  5. D

    d4rkn355,s have/want list

    cards for trade: secrets: mazera deville command knight ultras: ceasfire legendary fisherman cost down creature swap (misprint earth symbol) goblin attack force airknight parshath reflect bounder supers: mobius big burn megamorph gearfried the iron knight suijin pikeru's circle...
  6. D

    d4rkn355,s have/want list

    major wants: manticore breaker d.d. warrioir lady d.d. assailant united don zaloog mirror force jinzo ultra c.o.t.h ultra snatch secret r.o.d t.p holos other wants: ultra amazoness swords woman injection end of anubis enemy controller
  7. D

    d4rkn355,s have/want list

    1.rules ref. rule applys will send 1st if necessasary only ship to U.S. will check list,just send a link