Search results

  1. S

    barrier statue vs dimension fusion

    If you activate dimension fusion and you special summon barrier statue of _________ can you bring back barrier staue and make your opponenrt not summon monster unless they be said attribute
  2. S

    Disturbing "item" on eBay ...

    thats creepy.... on another note, I didnt know who he was until I read that
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    Tell Me A Neverending Story... in 3 Words or less Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

    ....Valuble Claws.<new sentence> Meanwhile....
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    You Know Your Broke When ...

    Phoenix better come back
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    You Know Your Broke When ...

    hey, i tried my card, the machine wouldnt read it..and i was mad about that and the whole pheonix not haveing any fire
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    Who would you want to duel?

    why does everyone hate syrus, he has sexy hair...
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    Guard Penalty

    i dont think so, but im out of the yugi scene so uh i ask drzero,dj, tiso or john danker
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    You Know Your Broke When ...

    umm...who said you were my best friend (BURN), jp wouldnt that mean u were broke cuz u cant buy a plan ticket? just a thought
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    Graveyard Effects

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said ^_^
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    if it werent for the part I think I wouldve gotten it.....
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    Who would you want to duel?

    ummm thats my s/n for the most part just mrkinkums with an s not a z
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    a bit of help please...

    why does firefox pwn all the other browsers...
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    Who would you want to duel?

    but yet in my cell phone it says just that
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    the dubs suck unless thats all you can get due to inaccessability....these things need spell check
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    Who would you want to duel?

    tough love kimmy-cum, tough love