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  1. L

    Zombies Taking the top again

    Hey, ive been working on my zombie deck, with new vigor because of mezuki. Still the same concept as before, Abuing COSR while maintaing mass feild presence. This deck is wide open to suggestions, critisicm, etc. I havent played since the restricting of riaza, so im a bit rusyt Here we go...
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    Can Zombies reclaim the throne?

    Hey guys/gals, long time no post, i know. Im deployed somewhere, and time moves like pond water around here. Ive mainly been doing deck editing on paper, not really finding what i wanted to build. Everywhere i look, its DaD this, Or Light sworn that. And they are truly great decks, both needing...
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    Exodia Ultimate Draw Engine

    What some kid did in a tourney...he chained spell reclaimation to upstart goblin...and just drawed out his deck. well, he would have until i ringed my neko mane king...
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    Burn that can Transform(Sidedeck) Into Monarch (help needed please)

    Nice....the one you posted seems like it needs more skill to play, which one do you think would be more consistant in todays meta? (Didnt the one you post win the last sjc?)
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    germinies' have/wants

    hey i have a 1st ed Feather of the phnx, loving your phnx wing blast ult. Pm we and we can work it out
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    darkriku's have/wants list

    Hey i can get my hands on a dark bribe...hell actually all 3 of the promo cards if ya have any GK spys? those could be a great throw in...liking your seer and raiza's and stuff but pm me and we can talk it out ^-^
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    [xrofa H/W] check this out! ^^

    Hello, could you check for any GK spys..from your list i have 2 common royal decree's, and a super thestalos. (little bend on top corner)
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    Jathro's Have/Wants and the like

    Hello, could you check if you have any GK Spy, and if you did, what would be thier point value?
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    Burn that can Transform(Sidedeck) Into Monarch (help needed please)

    69 views and no one has any tips for me?
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    Monarch's Final Move: Structure Deck 14

    Im happy and sad about i can remake my monarch deck without going broke..but now every third kid at a tourney will run monarch....better stock up on Rugs now...^-^
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    Final Attack Orders - Beatdown with Strategy

    Seems really nice....Maybe something you can think about would be light of face downs.......but yea its only a thought^-^ but really nice strategy
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    Dark Gravekeeper's World

    Oh god i take back what i said..i was looking up some of the cards because i didnt know know get a feel for them. Royal tribute is really beast..i hope im right to assume that it triggers DW affects.... can be really beast. Do you mind if i make my own variant of it? More...
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    Dark Gravekeeper's World

    Nice....side deck is pretty complete...can some one really point out how this runs?
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    Burn that can Transform(Sidedeck) Into Monarch (help needed please)

    Hello all, hows it hangin? Well, i got this idea from One of adam corns deck's, he had a deck that could side into a completley different deck. I belive this is an amazing trick that can really throw off an oppenant. Well, here i go. Im going to try it with Burn/Monarch (Note-All the cards...
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    My Monarch Deck

    Looks fine, but are you sure you want to run 7 monarchs? Most people run a lower number, me myself run only 5. (2x raiza,1 zaborg,2x mob) might want to slim that down a bit ^-^
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    Does Dimension wall work for direct attacks?

    hey, im usually inclined for finding my own answers, but this one is confusing me. By the wording, i wouldnt say it does.But then again, this is yu-gi-oh..things arent all that simple. so does Dimension Wall (You can only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack with a monster...
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    DarkMagicUser's Trade Thread

    hey, i have gouldd Silver top, and morphing jar silver top. I Actually have a pretty well built Dark world deck, if theres anything else you need for a dw deck. Currently eying your banged up mirror force.
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    germinies' have/wants

    Hey, I belive i have a feather of pheonix....1/e mint, i Likey the Kycoo,D.D.scout plane, and most the reign. Maybe we can work something out? Send me a PM
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    New Shrink Ruling?

    I Firmly belive in rules, but not when they are as idiotic as this (And cost me first place) Well, to make a long, angry story less long, here i go. I was entered in a local tourney, five dollar enterence fee and since over 20 people entered, first prize was a tactial evolution box. So, here i...