Well, you must be ENTIRELY new to the Game (and the site :king: ). Anyway, welcome to a whole new world of headaches, as well as excitement!!Tegamdar said:Hey there. newI was wanderin on a couple things. if they benn answered sorry. Show me where to find em
. Anyway, Does anyone have the translation to Magician of Black Chaos? And, I read that Monster Reborn is on ban. How the heck lol. That is a major card heh. Hope someone can help me
Monster Reborn was banished due to its ease in Special Summoning a monster from either players Graveyard with NO Cost or drawback. A truly devilish card when activated. You could dump a large attack monster or one with several Stars that had no summoning restriction, most famous was Jinzo or Airknight Parshath, and they were your monster with no strings attached, free and clear (of course if they were from your opponents Graveyard, that presents a whole new set of issues to resolve, but generally, it's your monster).
Not much to translate on Magician of Black Chaos... Normal Ritual Monster.
Magician of Black Chaos
Spellcaster/Ritual Level 8 ATK/2800 DEF/2600
Card #: P3-07
This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the "Black Magic Summon" You must also offer monsters whose total level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.
Black Magic Summon
Card #: P3-10
This card is used to Ritual Summon "Magician of Black Chaos". You must also offer monsters whose total level stars equal 8 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand.