9/1 Ban list in Japan

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Ummm, I REALLY doubt it will. Why? Because it takes up valuable deck space as a useless Spell Card and the attack boost is pretty medicore for a card that kills your draw phase basically. They could Drop Off Sword of Deep-Seated and then that screws your draw for the next turn. So if that truely does become the next major discard fodder card then I'll be Teching in Drop Off in my decks and Side boards.. =)

Discard isn't that big of an issue people. Use it in moderation. Airknight helps replentish your hand with cards you've used. There are other ways to replentish your hand without little trouble. But with Dark Realm decks going to be made I'll bet Morphing Jar and Cyber Jar will be switching from Main and Side Boards quickly and will be more varied upon the different decks. Like Cyber Jar would be Main Boarded and Morphing would be sided. (To avoid losing the possible first game against a Dark Realms deck with or without knowing it is one.)

I also see Magic Drain becoming a huge benefit to many decks. Although people still think Magic Jammer is better. Now that your guy's Sinister Serpent is banned and Night Assailant is limited to one, are you seriously going to consider Magic Jammer better when it's a 2:1? At least with Magic Drain you get a 1:1 or 1:2. To me that's more of advantage IMO when it comes to hand advantage. However, hand size doesn't always determine hand advantage. It's the content of those hands that determines it along with an analyze of the field.

(Another rant from me...I know...xD)
actually i use the doggie, and its preaty good.

its a light, and returns to its home.

you can use the 1x metamorph we can use on it and it returns to the deck, you can discard for LV or Tribe. practially anything, its really usefull.

im trying out Dust Tornado right now, and its not that great. Magic is probably a bit better.

not alot but a bit.

over all decree is better over both. vs traps that is.
An active Decree will always be better than Dust Tornado. But since I save my Dusts for things that I need to destroy in a chain, Decree is one that will fall to my Dusts...(Just cause I predict and stuff when I need it and if I notice they have decree from a previous duel I side and adjust to it.) Even if Dust fails agains them I'll side my Wave-Motion Cannon in. >=)

Also, Marron isn't that great IMO, but I could give him a shot. I do after all love shuffling my deck. =) So that card will be more valuable as Discard fodder.

Another thing is, Magic Drain can't accurately compare with Dust Tornado. One negates and destroys and is a counter trap, the other is just SS2 and destroys a Spell/Trap card and with the possibility to set a Spell/Trap card. No way are they even close to being the same. They're used for different tactics so please don't compare two cards that are so obviously different from one another. Cards like MST and DT are better cards to compare one another with.

Magic Drain is just for disruption, don't forget that. Now if they don't do something to Decree, I'll be running extra Dust Tornado to chain to those Decree and to destroy them. There's always a way to get around them and I'll find those methods and eliminate those Royal Decree.

Note: I have to test out Marron now that I reread its text. Deck shuffle effects are pure advantage IMO. I speak this out of personal experience with running so many deck shufflers in my own current deck. =)
im sorry, i didnt know i was so new to the game to not be able to compare 2 cards.

again, if i have offended you, im sorry.

but, im not comparing them both in what they do, but in playability.

1 leads to be more playable than the other. its all.
Personally, I'm shocked that Royal Decree (unless I missed it, which is possible since I'm not sure what it is called in Japan) isn't on this list, and I pray that it is on the English one. Otherwise, Trap cards are pretty much become a thing of the past. What happened in Japan, and (it will happen here too), is that trap lineups will become as follows:

1. 3 Royal Decree

2. 2 Royal Decree
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute

This card is sick, not only can it be activated first turn (before anything even has a chance to touch it, it will almost certinally exclude traps from the game (espically when it becomes a common in November). One is fine, but any more than that, and yugioh will simply become a game of monsters and spells (espically since spells are already used in far more abondence than traps).
One card I'm surprised that isn't being restricted is Cyber Stein.

Playing against an OTK deck using CS + Cyber Dragon fusions + Megamorph/Limiter, is really frustrating, and with 3 Cyber Steins floating around, the likelihood of pulling that combo off is VERY likely, and can be too quick a game ender IMO, it's just as bad as many of the combos that were killed off with the banning of Scientist/Elma, so this card should recieve a restriction for the least...

Else expect to see more than 1 or 2 of these decks floating about in tournaments in the next 6 months....
I agree. Cyber-Stein will only help you in the first couple rounds (before you have taken any damage), otherwise the cost is too great. And the possibility of paying 5000 life to pull Cyber End only to have your opponent Magic Cylinder the attack back at you is definitely a bit of a threat. not to mention something as simple as Waboku or Negate Attack followed by Snatch Steal, Brain Control, etc. and they hit you with your own Cyber End for game.

Don't get me wrong I think Cyber End is an incredibly powerful card and he will definitely win games, but restricting Cyber-Stein to 1 won't really slow this type of deck down, you'd just rely on Cannon Soldier/Last Will, search him with Sangan, even use some Tomato power. I'd rather my opponent waste space with 3 of him and have 2 completely useless draws late game.
I think the reasons for MST being 1 and Dust Tornado staying 3 are:

1) MST is a quickplay spell card, giving it more speed and usefulness than Dust Tornado.

2) MST can destroy a card on your side of the field, which sometimes is needed. *Sometimes*.

And yeah, can you believe that I only just recently found out MJ#2 was OFF of the limited list? I was thinking "Now when did this happen?" Who knows. It may return.
Well personally I've been testing out against a Cyber Dragon OTK deck using Cyber Stein, and I can tell you, it's quite broken when combined with 3 Giant Trunade...when constructed properly, it's too powerful IMO, and i'll say it's just as powerful as the Elma/Gearfried/Spell Absorption combo, but can be pulled off very easily, since u can have 3x Cyber Stein, 3x Limiter, 3x Megamorph...so the chances of pulling that combo in early gameplay is very likely...

Although it's a given that the Oct. 1 bans should even it out slightly, it's still quite powerful.... :(

For more than 1 game, this was the scenario:

1st Trunade -> Waboku
2nd Trunade -> Waboku
Heavy Storm -> Waboku
3rd Trunade -> Nothing -> Cyber Steain + CED + Limiter = gg.

I know there are lots of ways to take the Cyber End from your opponent, but there's no point if you don't live past that turn...it may only help ur opponent if he/she pulls Cyber Stein in the first couple rounds, but quite often that is EXACTLY the case, they pull the combo by turn 2!
Well if they are getting that lucky to keep pulling trunades and heavy that fast you are going to be toast. Only thing left to do is side-deck in 3 Amazoness Swords Woman. Now that will take the bite out of the mean old Cyber End.
Well the problem with all otk decks is that you know what to expect and what the opponent will be depending on, so side wisely and there is no reason, barring lucky draws and etc, why you should lose if you side in a lot of hate.
Any confirmation on an official list yet?

It's getting close and with a Regional coming up on the 1st of October as well, I'd like some time to prepare.

I've been playtesting on the assumption the banlist will be identical to the one our Far Eastern bretheren have been using (as I'm sure most of you have), which seems a safe bet. But the sooner we can get something official, the better. I know I could use all the extra practice. :D
Hey there. new :p I was wanderin on a couple things. if they benn answered sorry. Show me where to find em :). Anyway, Does anyone have the translation to Magician of Black Chaos? And, I read that Monster Reborn is on ban. How the heck lol. That is a major card heh. Hope someone can help me :)
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