April 2006 Forbidden/Restricted list released

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Again, it is your opinion that it should just be about the list itself. There was nothing wrong with talking about the other reasons as to why the list was made this, because quite frankly they are just as important and valid as talking about

"Oh noes, Konami added Last Will to 1 per Deck? ZOMG"

Not to mention there is not much left to talk about the list. Everything about it was said in previous posts. This list was the same as the OCG list because of Worlds. It impacts the TCG because the lists makes little to no sense in our environment. Complaining about why this card or that card is on it is not going to change anything. They are on there because of the OCG.
Tiso said:
Again, it is your opinion that it should just be about the list itself. There was nothing wrong with talking about the other reasons as to why the list was made this, because quite frankly they are just as important and valid as talking about

"Oh noes, Konami added Last Will to 1 per Deck? ZOMG"

Not to mention there is not much left to talk about the list. Everything about it was said in previous posts. This list was the same as the OCG list because of Worlds. It impacts the TCG because the lists makes little to no sense in our environment. Complaining about why this card or that card is on it is not going to change anything. They are on there because of the OCG.

Good thing my opinion counts more than yours when it comes to the ebbs and flows of conversation on this board. (Reason #1 -- how much do you pay a month to keep this board running? I thought as much)

Congratulations, you just invoked the Kindergarten rule. Now I guess you have to start a new thread, huh?

My apologies to Oskar and all those actually wanting to discuss the changes to the list and how it impacts the metagame. You are obviously free to begin a new thread.

And Mr. Spencer ... I'll be out all week, so you can feel free to take this up with the Council at your leisure. I would suggest omitting the sarcasm, though.

Closed. On purpose this time. Good night and good luck :D
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