chaos general
New Member
Raigekick said:IMPORTANT:
Spike Kaiba, please mention the source or site where you got that information, so we don't get sued![]()
ouch... that would hurt quite a bit much too... '_';;
Raigekick said:IMPORTANT:
Spike Kaiba, please mention the source or site where you got that information, so we don't get sued![]()
Well, if you get the source from another site, and you simply copy and paste it, I say, you must mention the source. I think this is what happened between Pojo and Netrepâ„¢ before, I mean about Pojo stealling stuff and not giving acknowledgement on where they got it (or taking ownership). I don't really know what happend, but do you see my point?Spike Kaiba said:I would, but it came from a judge on another message board who neglects to mention that part...and obviously I can't mention another message board through the whole members moving thing....(or can I?)
EDIT - And u can get sued for showing public knowledge?Effectively no one but Konami can copy-right the Spoiler Lists because that's the technical source >_> but that's just my thinking, I'm usually wrong
Raigekick said:Well, if you get the source from another site, and you simply copy and paste it, I say, you must mention the source. I think this is what happened between Pojo and Netrepâ„¢ before, I mean about Pojo stealling stuff and not giving acknowledgement on where they got it (or taking ownership). I don't really know what happend, but do you see my point?
Yeah, we can't do anything on how Pojo or other Forum run their forum, but we can be professional about these stuff and do the right thing. Then, maybe, other forums will follow.chaos general said:i noticed that about Pojo... (that they dont acknowledge sources) but its not like theres much that we can do about it, you know?
Thanks Spike Kaiba, and please don't take this in a negative way. I'm just protecting our Forum from future legal battles, and to serve as an example on how a professional, organized, and international standard Forum should be. Aren't you proud to be a member of IG Forum? I am!Spike Kaiba said:yeah I see what ya mean...well...the source i got it from is Duel Forums. And if memory serves me he usually gets his info from Spike's and Barons...or something...I'm sure you know the place anyways
I'm not familiar with rarity, so, is it easier to get "Enemy Controller" from DB2 compared to AST?Bill said:The list didnt work for me, but I know it already. I love the fact that Enemy Controller is now a super rare. That will make my life somewhat easier.
Though when you take into account the number of Super Rares in DR2 compared to AST I'm not so sure it'll be easier to get.Spike Kaiba said:Yeah, Enemy Controller was a seemingly tough to pull Ultra in AST, I only have the one and that was through trade
Raigekick said:I'm not familiar with rarity, so, is it easier to get "Enemy Controller" from DB2 compared to AST?
chaos general said:However, i forget who it was, but someone (maybe it was... no i forget) made this ratio thing of how hard it is to pull a particular rare from a pack, so even if you can get 2 rares a pack in DR2, (which doesnt come out till august anyway) what are the chances that one is gonna be Enemy Controller? whats stopping you from pulling a Ryu Kokki?
Xenos right, though, there will be a lot more copies circulating around too.
DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:Dark Beginnings/Revelations Pull Ratios:
Odds of getting a specific Ultra Rare: 1 in 180
Odds of getting a specific Super Rare: 1 in 120
Odds of Getting a specific Rare: 11 in 360 (1 in 32.727272"¦)