Disturbing "item" on eBay ...

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I saw a link to this over at Pojo. I usually don't like to promote eBay silliness by linking to it from here, but you've GOT to see this:


Emon is now a $60/hour Yu-Gi-Oh consultant. I find this disturbing on so many levels.

So this guy, who is arguably one of the better duelists in the country sells off his prize card and is now eBaying his time? Shouldn't there be some kind of rule against this? Good grief.

(Moderator warning: no brutal flaming of Emon or anyone else here -- I'll shut it down if it can't stay civil. Stick to conversation about the CONCEPT of selling one's time on eBay to skool other gamers. Good idea, bad idea, disturbing, etc.)
Well given the fact you can sell anything on eBay. A woman sold her viginity at age 18 on the auction block for someone to take. With that said, it does not surprise me. I find it shady though. I mean how are you going to sell your time for $30? Is he going to fly out to you? Is he going to give you a e-mail or a IM about what to put in your Deck and etc? I just think you got to be clueless to waste your money on stuff like that. Not only are people mortaging their houses to buy YGO cards but now we have to sell a piece of ourself as well for big pie in the sky?

This is just one where I am going to say: Disappointed in Emon, but not surprised. This is why YGO is an unfair game where the rich get richer.
P.T. Barnum certainly would have loved this game.

Key word: GAME. G-A-M-E.

An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime: party games; word games.

I think I'm going to alert UDE to this auction. There is likely no rule in place that remotely makes this against any rules, but it's certainly not right either.

omg, both me and my bro are laughing our heads off at this.

1dollar a minute, this fool is the best. lol

oh man, this wednessday when i see him im so going to make fun of him, I knew he was talking about doing something probono [i dont know what that means] but man i didnt know it would be this.

This is hislarious. this the funniest thing i have ever read, saw, or heard. OMg i so need to call this fool asap. lol
krazykidpsx said:
I knew he was talking about doing something probono [i dont know what that means]

Pro-bono = "for the common good"; FREE. Like a lawyer taking a case for nothing because it would make the world a better place.

This is definately NOT pro-bono.
pro bo·no (prō bō'nō)

Done without compensation for the public good: a lawyer's pro bono work.

Which is what we do. Not what he's doing.
The thing that really irks me about the entire thing, Emon clearly went into this with a clear head in order to market himself to get money fast. The rich get richer type of thing.

The options they list of communication are startling. Someone really is going to call him long distance? If we talk to him on AIM, after 30 minutes does he go and say "Thanks for your money, never contact this name again. BLOCKED!" I am sure this not against UDE policy, but I bet UDE are looking mighty silly condoning this type of behavior by only making it easy to accomplish this, I.E. making a card with that high value for example. But like I said, I just do not agree with what they are selling. It really does not take much to figure out how to be a success.
well according to my sources [my eyes, ears, and so forth] He hasnt sold the card at all and i guess the "probono" thing he and his seller were talking about was this.

uh... I really dont know what to say, but man this is preaty funny. I never thought he would do that. I could just call this fool and be like, "Hey what do you think i should use???" and he would probably answer back and free of charge. lol

all i know is this is funny to me because i can just go to his place and mess with him or call him up through other reliable sources and be like, "What the heck is wrong with you??"

If anybody does buy this they are extremely dumb. Im surprised these guys came up with this idea.
From that site, his card is still being sold on it at $300 right now. It has some certificate with it. If you read the auction in the link, they do not want the conversation to be recorded or anything. Shady......
Tiso said:
I bet UDE are looking mighty silly condoning this type of behavior by only making it easy to accomplish this, I.E. making a card with that high value for example.
It's not UDE or Konami that made the card a ridiculously high price.

I could see if the card has a couple ounces of gold or some other semi-precious metal or product (maybe platinum), but the cost of production was probably way more than the actual materials themselves. The card has only an intrinsic value. Silly people who have nothing better to do with a ton of money made it worth far more than it really is, regardless of how many people want it. Everyone wants a car. How come they ALL arent selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet "one" Yugioh Card can go for the price of a Hyundai or a Motorcycle? What's wrong with this picture?

As for Emon selling his services out on eBay, we all have the power to NOT be a part of the Circus Show. Someone will of course be foolish enough to take him up on it, because he is a SJ Champ, and can "guarantee" that if you follow his advice, you will do well at a Jump Tourney.
I could guarantee a SJ win right now. Net-Deck Emon Deck and go at it and hopefully you top.
Yeah, all UDE/Konami or whoever did is make the card rare. It's the nimrods who sell them that make them pricey.
Digital Jedi said:
Yeah, all UDE/Konami or whoever did is make the card rare. It's the nimrods who sell them that make them pricey.

Perhaps, but it is UDE/Konami who decides on what the card is. Now if the card was an unuseable card like they get from the video game championship series I doubt anyone would really care. By keeping cards that have no business being that rare and expensive in the first place only promotes this type of circus show on eBay. I COULD say I feel sorry for someone who bought into this, but I would be lying. Bad form from a champion in my opinion.
Well, for what it's worth I did e-mail Dan Scheidegger in case there are any policies that could prevent this particular style of Circus Show from happening. Yes, I'm overreacting and I know it. The more I think about this, the lower and lower I think it is, especially given the target age group of this particular game.

I wonder if there is any kind of "image tarnishing" clause :D LOL. Probably not!
The thing is, no matter how hard UDE and Konami insists on it, I do not see this as a kids dominated game. The fact that you rarely if ever see kids in the competitive scene is proof in the pudding. The majority are teens to young adults. It is more of a safety net now to enlist kids in it when we know the majority are older than the target audience.

It is not the auction that bothers me, because we can sell almost anything on eBay. It is the actions of the SJC Champion that I call into question. Just very bad form.
*Cue the music folks*

Consulting session for Yu-Gi-Oh?.... I mean come one... who really needs consulting for YGO besides some 10-year old who just started playing...

That's basically all.... Gotta give him props for trying and if someone actually pays for it then I'll laugh even harder...

Edit: Maybe I should sell my time as a VS System Consultant and use my credentials as a contract journalist currently writing for StarCityVs.com and soon Metagame.com....
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