A Feather of the Phoenix
Normal Spell
Discard 1 card from your hand. Select 1 card from your Graveyard and return it to the top of your Deck.
"¢ You can select the card you discarded for the cost of "A Feather of the Phoenix" to be the card returned to the top of your Deck. If you discarded "Night Assailant" or "Makyura the Destructor", then their effects will activate.
"¢ You can select a Fusion Monster in the Graveyard for "A Feather of the Phoenix" but it is returned to the Fusion Deck.
"¢ Discarding 1 card is a cost to activate this effect. Your opponent can chain "Disappear" to the activation of this card and remove the discarded card from play so that you cannot return it to the top of the Deck.
"¢ This is an effect that targets.
Alright, the Feather of the Phoenix. Overall, I think this is a good card, but however, it only truly shines in the correct deck type. A great example a deck type that should use this card is a mill deck. What's better then setting A Feather of the Phoenix and Upstart Goblin, playing Card Destruction. Then playing A Feather of the Phoenix, returning Card destruction. Then, play Upstart to re-draw Card Destruction, and do all of this while your opponent has 12+ cards in hand, and it's game over for them. See, this card truly shines when used effectively, and when you have a drawing card handy.
Sorry for the brief review, I'm totally swiznamped.
Normal Spell
Discard 1 card from your hand. Select 1 card from your Graveyard and return it to the top of your Deck.
"¢ You can select the card you discarded for the cost of "A Feather of the Phoenix" to be the card returned to the top of your Deck. If you discarded "Night Assailant" or "Makyura the Destructor", then their effects will activate.
"¢ You can select a Fusion Monster in the Graveyard for "A Feather of the Phoenix" but it is returned to the Fusion Deck.
"¢ Discarding 1 card is a cost to activate this effect. Your opponent can chain "Disappear" to the activation of this card and remove the discarded card from play so that you cannot return it to the top of the Deck.
"¢ This is an effect that targets.
Alright, the Feather of the Phoenix. Overall, I think this is a good card, but however, it only truly shines in the correct deck type. A great example a deck type that should use this card is a mill deck. What's better then setting A Feather of the Phoenix and Upstart Goblin, playing Card Destruction. Then playing A Feather of the Phoenix, returning Card destruction. Then, play Upstart to re-draw Card Destruction, and do all of this while your opponent has 12+ cards in hand, and it's game over for them. See, this card truly shines when used effectively, and when you have a drawing card handy.
Sorry for the brief review, I'm totally swiznamped.