FET-EN037 A Feather of the Phoenix

A Feather of the Phoenix
Normal Spell

Discard 1 card from your hand. Select 1 card from your Graveyard and return it to the top of your Deck.

"¢ You can select the card you discarded for the cost of "A Feather of the Phoenix" to be the card returned to the top of your Deck. If you discarded "Night Assailant" or "Makyura the Destructor", then their effects will activate.
"¢ You can select a Fusion Monster in the Graveyard for "A Feather of the Phoenix" but it is returned to the Fusion Deck.
"¢ Discarding 1 card is a cost to activate this effect. Your opponent can chain "Disappear" to the activation of this card and remove the discarded card from play so that you cannot return it to the top of the Deck.
"¢ This is an effect that targets.

Alright, the Feather of the Phoenix. Overall, I think this is a good card, but however, it only truly shines in the correct deck type. A great example a deck type that should use this card is a mill deck. What's better then setting A Feather of the Phoenix and Upstart Goblin, playing Card Destruction. Then playing A Feather of the Phoenix, returning Card destruction. Then, play Upstart to re-draw Card Destruction, and do all of this while your opponent has 12+ cards in hand, and it's game over for them. See, this card truly shines when used effectively, and when you have a drawing card handy.

Sorry for the brief review, I'm totally swiznamped.


Feather of the Phoenix is a good card in Exodia decks. If you want to take back an Exodia piece from the graveyard (especially the head piece) and put it to the top of your deck.
A good counter card to this has to be Drop Off. This is one of those cards that has potential that won't be seen till a winning player at a high level tourney has used it
thanks, but no thanks

This card has a permanent place in my binder. Some good points have been made, but to me it just gives up too much hand advantage.

I mean, first you discard a card. Even if that card is a Sinister Serpent, Night Assailant, or something with an effect that benefits you (Makyura the Destructor, Skull-Mark Ladybug, etc) that's a bad start.

Then you take something from your Graveyard (yay, that's always good) and place it on the top of your deck (boooo :mad: ). I'd rather have it in my hand.

So I've basically given up a card from my hand, A Feather of the Phoenix itself, and the card I would have drawn next (because the card I got from the Graveyard is now the next card.) No, no, and double no.

I'd rather use Monster Reincarnation. Even if A Feather of the Phoenix allows me to get back ANY card, and not just a monster. I could see using it to put Pot of Greed or Graceful Charity back on top of the deck - at least you're getting some draw power and thinning your deck. But those are both limited to 1 and that spells TOO SITUATIONAL.

And that's my 4 cents. Twice as much as you probably wanted.
I kinda like it.

I've been playing around with that OTK mill deck that's been floating around the net as of lately and I think that A Feather of the Phoenix works etremely well. Granted it's not for every deck, but in a deck that really abuses drawing power like that one does, it's as good as gold IMO.

For example, a combo that I had noticed when playing that OTK mill deck is to use the feather to put book of taiyou back on top of my deck play card of safe return and then use the shallow grave to special summon cyber jar back from the grave in facedown defence position. Because it was special summoned from my grave I draw a card for card of safe return which put book of taiyou back in my hand to flip cyber agian.

I supose you could use it in exodia decks, but IMHO, OTK's is were this card shines the best.
Jathro said:
This card has a permanent place in my binder. Some good points have been made, but to me it just gives up too much hand advantage.

You're missing the point of how this card is most effective though. In decks that it's most effective in you're usually not concerned about hand advantage. You're more concerned about a special victory condition and the card you just placed on top of your deck is likely key to that victory condition.

If you've ever played a mill deck, Last Turn deck, or Exodia deck then you understand that accessability to key elements makes this card heavenly.