It's Time for the Banned list to Go!!!

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New Member
Their are pros and cons on have a banned list I i'm sure that people can see what i'm saying. Well I have been playing the game since it's release and I statrted to see big changes in duels and big companies like UDE and Konami. I noticed that with each banned list that has came out one or two deck types always win and a World level and National playing level and the list is not working like it should.It pushs young people out of the game. What i mean by that if you look at all world Tournament and Regionals was Chaos, Cyber Beatdown, and Hand Control.
I feel that the time is here that UDE and Konami should get rid of the banned list and play the game like it was meant to be. I think this if UDE and Konami what to keep the list change it so all deck types and work and if their so worried about Chaos and Cyber Beatdown and Yata will rule the game I that they should have never made type or card.

If any has question feel free to ask!!!
paulb91085 said:
Their are pros and cons on have a banned list I i'm sure that people can see what i'm saying. Well I have been playing the game since it's release and I statrted to see big changes in duels and big companies like UDE and Konami. I noticed that with each banned list that has came out one or two deck types always win and a World level and National playing level and the list is not working like it should.It pushs young people out of the game. What i mean by that if you look at all world Tournament and Regionals was Chaos, Cyber Beatdown, and Hand Control.
I feel that the time is here that UDE and Konami should get rid of the banned list and play the game like it was meant to be. I think this if UDE and Konami what to keep the list change it so all deck types and work and if their so worried about Chaos and Cyber Beatdown and Yata will rule the game I that they should have never made type or card.

If any has question feel free to ask!!!

The banlist keeps the game going. Without it, there would be only one good deck. So...yeah.
Well I disgress even with the banned list you still have the problem with the same deck type running. Ex Cyber beatdown
(Oh my this thread is just a war waiting to happen)

When you speak of the "banned list" are you talking about the entire concept of the Forbidden/Limited list, or just the Forbidden aspect of it? I'm sure I don't need to point out that if it's the latter, there is always Traditional Format, wherein not a single card is expressly Forbidden. Granted, this format cannot be used at any major events, but how many beginner duelists do you really find at those events?

I have to disagree with you about the usefulness and effectiveness of the Forbidden cards, though. In my opinion, the list is too short.

If there is one mitigating factor of this game that's preventing younger folks from playing, I'd personally lean towards the overall cost as opposed to the Forbidden list. According to the word of Upper Deck, something like 80% of everyone still plays Traditional, which means they still have to buy Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Yata, BLS, CED, and so on. I really believe cost is the issue, not the card pool.
could you please use the Edit button? thank you :) just you know...

well about the list. Tell you the truth if it wasnt for it there would still be only 1 deck type. atleast now you get 2 months of variation and then 2 months of cc.

last list was TOol box, this is Soul control, and so forth. eventually you will see another deck type. :)

If anything they should do the same thing that happens in magic. Make it standard, extended, etc...

if there were yugi standard the legal sets would be.

EEN, Cyber, Dark Beggining 2, Dark Revelation 2.

that would be preaty sweet. Then you rotate out.

Dark Beggining 2 leaves and you get. EEN, Cyber, DR2, and SOI.

and keep going. it would be alot of fun and you would oviously see different decks fly around alot often.
I can see where your coming form buy with all the reprints like DB1, DR1, DB2, DR2 cost is no longer a iusse beacuse the easier to get. Ex: yata everyone whats reprinted in DB2 as common and still banned???
paulb91085 said:
I can see where your coming form buy with all the reprints like DB1, DR1, DB2, DR2 cost is no longer a iusse beacuse the easier to get. Ex: yata everyone whats reprinted in DB2 as common and still banned???

You know, that would be an interesting exercise. Using eBay and the most common versions of cards, I wonder which would cost more to purchase the 40 individual cards? An old-school Traditional Format Chaos Control deck, or an Advanced Format <insert whatever the name of the current CC is, the one that runs 3x Cyber Dragon> deck?

On one hand, you've got BLS, DMoC, CED and some other still pretty expensive cards, and on the other you've got at LEAST the 3 Cyber Dragons, which are insane for a Super Rare. Hmmm.. add in the mandatory Smashing Grounds and Enemy Controllers to the modern CC ... perhaps you're onto something there. I think I stand corrected after more thought.

I do think that would be a neat thing to research and compare ... are you up to the challenge?
I'm up for it we should get a team togather and study and let the yu-gi-oh! TCG duelist know whats happening. I agree with the card cost thing djp952.
Bottom line is, if you do away with the entier concept of the Ban List, then you might as well say that the game will be officially dead. I give it 2 years tops on life support.

I cant see any logical reason to get rid of the Ban List, other than people just want to abuse Chaos again.

Once there are enough cards to create a negative effect towards the return of Chaos, Im sure they will be back. The game is already somewhat at a juncture where it really needs a good Gamer's opinion of it, for its survival. Bring back Soldier or Dragon in April, you are just asking for people to say "Goodbye".
Very good point! Well maybe I blinded buy power. I can't understand why UDE and Konami would reprint cards like yata not bring it back for a good time shake.
Take a look at the cards on the Forbidden List and you'll see exactly why they are forbidden. They contain an extreme amount of power. What has been banned? Chaos Emperor Dragon and Yata Garasu. Does anybody have any doubt as to why? Magical Scientist (paired with Catapult Turtle = instant death). Do I need to go through the whole list? The Ban works, the problem lies in the fact that at any given time you are going to have cards and combos that are more powerful than other potential options and that is the deck that the game drifts to just like Krazy was saying. Cards get abused, they wind up on the restricted list, a combo is too powerful and a new card gets added to the Banned List. There are certainly deck types that go against the trends and place quite well. But for every creative deck builder that has a new idea there are hundreds who will copy it as soon as it does well, then voila a new primary deck type emerges. And then the complaints start about that Cookie Cutter deck, and the more powerful cards that make it good get restricted or part of a combo gets banned, rinse and repeat.

The ban is fine, Konami has actually been doing a slightly better job of not introducing the types of monstrosities that used to turn the game on its ear upon release. And if you think playing with no ban list is better play in Traditional Tounaments and see what other than Chaos ever wins. Then come back and join those of us who appreciate the reprieve that the banned list gives us. Younger players don't fair as well in this game because it is far too complicated for most to digest, let alone sort through and come up with winning strategies. And I'll agree that the cost to play the game has definitely dropped since the reprint sets have given us better access to cards but if UDE/Konami truly wanted to push numbers up in Tournament participation I'd say the Structure Decks would be a much better shot in the arm. They are released far too infrequently and are too underpowered too compete in higher level play. Get better deck builders to design some truly good Structure Decks and you would get better results. I still see far too many younger players with basic Structure or even Starter decks and a few extra cards thrown in. Most young players will be lucky to follow the intricacies of the game without having to become experts at deck building with no good decks to learn from (no most kids don't follow regional tournament deck lists) and most parents are not going to bankroll a $150-300 competitive deck build for their kid to not get owned each time they go to their local tournament. Anyway that's just my opinion.
I going to start a study on the card game and I what to see weather the game will last or fail. If anyone would like to help asst me in this study their names will be added to my study and all give credit. Plz I need alot of help.
Eventually, I had stated before on another thread. If you arnt thinking on going ubber competative and making the game your life, you really shouldnt care whats going on in the competative scene and shouldnt spend no more than 30 dollars if anything.

and with 30 you can get atleast 2 structures and a few penny cards. :)

think about it. Judgement of Spell caster + Warriors Triumph. and you got your self a preaty nifty Warrior / Spell caster deck. WIll it win you competative tournaments probably not, but hey you got a chance just like everybody else. :)
The entire point of the Forbidden / Restriction List was to fix the blatant problems Konami made while going into the game. Cards like Raigeki, Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, and so on had to be banned or restricted. The reason you see the same people use the same Decks even when we have a banned list is simple:

People have no soul. They duel to win.

Sad truth. It always bothered me that the people I see going into tournies will lose their soul in making a tourney Deck, using cards they never would have only because they want to win no matter what. Whatever happened to the early days of seeing the show and getting excited about using a character Deck or an interesting Deck? It all boils down to that the list serves it purpose. Not always perfect, since I can think of a list a few updates back that must have been a practical joke or something but it does keep the game balanced to a degree. We really would not have needed it if the game was more balanced to begin with.
People, as *starts to look who it was* djp952 mentioned before, there is a problem with the amount of money needed for the cards. This is one of the reasons many people use cards (like Chaos) that are relative easy obtainable...
I fully agree with anthonyj, that younger players don't play advanced, because it is difficult to understand. (Also one of the reasons why judges are at last 12 years old, more often between then 15 and the 30 years).
Also, the Structure/Basic Decks *argh, stupid virusscan slows my computer down, silly thing* are indeed far too weak to be competable with the most Decks. Seems to be Konami/UDE didn't realize that...

With all those Cyber Dragons, D.D. Warrior Lady's, Smashing Grounds, Enemy Controllers and such thing flying around, it gets very difficult to compete with others when you don't have that much money...
When you take a peak at my Decks, you can see that they often exist of just a few 'expensive' cards, and the others easily obtainable (Structure Decks or common/rare)...

BTW: Tiso is right. That very thing is also what drives the meta crazy...
What I'd really like to see is a list where if you have X you can't have Y, where people have to make choices between the powerful cards, maybe we'd finally see some real deck variation. I am really getting bored of the game as you get a few weeks after a banned list where you get to play against a variety of decks, after that though 95% of them are the same main cards and primary strategies, it's just gets dull.
@ Ben: I believe the Structure decks are designed to be a tad under-powered. They simply provide a structure for the player to work with, and then power it up to their liking. They even provide a booklet with suggestions to improve the deck (even if they aren't all that great :rolleyes: ) If they made it highly competitive right out of the box, this would just perpetuate the "same deck syndrome" in the meta.
paulb91085 said:
I say UDE and Konami need to change the game so that not one type rules over all..

Wasn't that why the Forbidden list started getting cards added, for being 'broken' and being used and abused in nearly everyone's deck, so banning them would encourage people to use different cards and decks.
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