Macro Madness :)


New Member
Right, so I've been using a macro deck for some time now, and I have to say, I'm loving it! But I really want to make this deck perfect, since it seems to have a lot potential, so any ratings and fixes are welcome (especially that last one:) ). thnx


2x Cyber dragon
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Thestalos the firestorm Monarch


3x D.D. Survivor
2x Apprentice magician
1x Old vindictive magician
1x Magician of faith
1x D.D.Warrior lady
2x Exiled force
2x Banisher of the radiance
1x Breaker the magical warrior
1x Spirit reaper


3x Dimensional fissure
2x Rot
1x Graceful charity
1x MST
1x Heavy storm
1x Brain control
1x NoC
1x Scapegoat

Traps: 10

3x Macro cosmos
3x trap hole
1x Bottemless trap hole
1x Mirror Force
1x RoD
1x Torrential tribute

Now I know a number of things will probably come like Zaborg. But basically I'm not running him (I don't have it yet) because I get plenty of field control with my D.D.Survivors. Also, Jinzo doesn't really pose a problem since I'm running 2 Exileds, reaper, brain control (which I mostly use for tributes), etc...
Another you might be fiddled about are the trap holes. Well there just downright awesome. There immediately chainable when Mobius shows up and such, that's way I don't use Sakus anymore. There not chainable and get blown to much whereas trap hole usually takes a monster down with it. However, I have noticed that my opponent's spirit reaper often stays on the field for way to long, in which case my adversary gets the chance to replenish his/her hand. So I've decided to dump 1 trap hole for a fissure.
Looks pretty strong. I am assuming Rot is RotA.Have you tried using D.D.M. at all? You have 8 ways to keep cards going to the D.D. You can get a little recusion going by discarding the occasional Dimensional Fissure.
Yep the Rot is RoTA, sorry for the confusion. And again sorry, but I haven't mastered all the abreviations yet, so could you come again about that D.D.M? thnx for the reply by the way.

...I prefer "Banisher of the Light" over "Banisher of the Radiance", I think is "Banisher of the Radiance" is easier to get rid of it, also u can try this.-

-trap hole x3
-Thestalos the firestorm Monarch x1
-Magician of Faith x1

+EH Wild Heart x2
+Sakuretsu Armor x2
+Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Rather than a Zaborg, I think a commonized Thestalos would work better with the Dimension Fissure and Macro Cosmos. You can take care of Dark World tech as much as the rest.

I would keep the Trap Holes over BTH here just because it hits a wider range of monsters and your other rfp effects will help to supplement the loss of BTH.

last thing (cause I have to run) would be to add either Soul Release (or similar removal effect) or 1 Graveyard Recursion in place of 1 Dimension Fissure. Nothing sux worse than not being able to do anything because your DD Survivors are stuck in the Graveyard.
nah I've tried banisher of the light and truth be told, it doesn't work. you practically allways have to set (only 100 ATK) and hope that it doesn't get NoC'd but will get attacked in order to go into face-up defensemode. To much trouble, radiance on the other hand stays longer on the field then you'd think. Also wildheart doesn't really have a place in this deck. This is beacause when either macro cosmos or dimensional fissure is on the field I can use D.D.S to attack, and if gets destroyed, well fine by me it just comes back during the end phase :). One more thing i want to adress are the trap holes. I already ditched one for fissure (for spirit reaper) but one bottemless is enough, all the monsters I destroy eventually end up being removed from the game. The normal trap hole however can take out monsters with fewer ATK than 1000, which can make a BIG difference. Bottemless is just in it for cyber dragons.
Squid's got a point there. But I've tried playing soul release, and found out that its not actually helping me nor annoying the opponent :). See in the current meta, there can't be to much room for error, that's why I dumped the soul release since doesn't actually give me an edge in the duel. What I do agree on is the fact that zaborg isn't really needed here, since I gain field control through my survivors. No matter how much they get blown up (and people to tend to waste their cards on doing just that) thay return up to 90% of the time. That's why I use mobius for more field disruption in terms of spells and traps and Thestalos to tick people off if I happen to take a monarch out of their hands, or sangan or treeborn for that matter :).
Soul Release can be fun since many people don't realize you can take from both GY, but as an alternative have you considered Skull Lair? RFG and monster removal all in one.

D.D.M. is Different Dimension Master. They actually put the D.D.M. on the card believe it or not. They guy gets his own title like, CEO. CEO of the D.D. :p If you run him you may want to boost your Spells. He allows you to Special Summon a monster from the D.D., but you have to discard a Spell from your hand. What's that card in the Spellcaster Structure, Magical Blast? That could help by bringing Spells back, but as I recall it puts it at the top of your deck, not hand.
Magical Blast actually skips your draw phase and sticks it into your hand.

It inflicts 200 damage per spellcaster controlled, so it's pretty deadly - you can bring it back anytime you like.

Bah - Wrong account.
hm, I don't think DDM would be any good then. After all, I do already have up to 3 monsters that just keep on comin' back :). So to waste my spells on bringing other monster back like monarchs that got destroyed doesn't seem to be useful. Besides I'd have to dump spells, that alone is already a too much of a high price for me, and remember DDM is a tribute and has only 1700 atk. So generally speaking I'd probably get to use his effect up to 2 times, which is just not enough and I would've lost 2 spells and every spell in my deck isn't ment to be discarded. I'm already having trouble to decide what to discard for graceful when I play it :). And to top it all, he's no good if I draw him during my first turns because there won't be anything to bring back. So I'd rather have a monarch in my hand than DDM.
Coming back on the suggestion to play skul lair. Initially it played pretty well but afterwwards I founf out that it was just luck :p . Most of the time I have nothing left to remove for skull lair to work, meaning that its just a dead card.
Yeah, I know I have stopped playing Soul Release the way I used to. I think that a simple Bazoo is more effective for hitting two fronts: clearing your graveyard and covering your field.

D.D.M.-Different Dimension Master can actually be an excellent yet crazy card, but I dont see this deck being the place for it. It would need to be concentrated on a lot less traps, a lot more spells, and key monsters that you would want to really extend yourself to summon like that (like Dark Magician of Chaos, Ultimate Tyranno, or Dark Ruler Ha Des). This deck isnt running anything even close to that kind of game winning monster, so I wouldn't worry about DDM.

This is basically a Monarch Control deck, with the Macro twist. Your main damage is from Survivors, Cyber, and your Monarchs. The rest are support and wont be hitting as much on the LP as they will be doing other things.

It seems that with 3 Dimension Fissures, 3 Macro Cosmos, and 2 Banisher of the Radiance, you have a lot of redundancy. Cutting back on those for some other kind of basic monster removal would help you maintain a push on your opponent while you wait for the rfp effects to show up. If you already have one of those rfp effects in place, all the better. But its still necessary to clear the field above all else.

Unless you are absolutely sold on those Apprentice Magicians, I would opt for the Hydrogeddons instead as the inverse solution to thinning.
Oh right, my bad :). Currently I'm playing Mobius twice. But maybe I'll ditch one for an additional Thestalos, hough I haven't decided yet :) but thnx for the heads up.
I'm sorry but playing hydrogeddon in this deck would be a huge mistake. With all the removal cards in it, hydro's ability would never kick since it won't send any monster to the grave remember? So in order to make Hydro even playable in this deck I would have to cut back on removal cards, but that's what this deck is all about. That's why I use apprentice, even though it gets destroyed while dimensional fissure or Macro cosmos is out its affect will still activate, unlike the rats or tomatoes my opponent will be using for his/her deck.
No worries. It was just an idea. Ive just never been a big fan of the Apprentice Magicians. However, I have to admit that I do understand what purpose they serve for you here.

If I think of more, Ill pop in and add more cents to the piggy bank. :)
Yeah, I agree. DDM needs a lot more Spell support and some stall to keep him on the field. Also he doesn't work the best with Monarchs since they will not get their effects with the Special Summon.
Test Try

I resently tested out your deck and I like how it works, at first I thought that there would be too many out-of-play effect cards but it turns out to be really good. Especially when you just have a D.D. Survivor and a Banisher on the field so, I would atk with D.D. first to trick the opponent into wasting his Saku or etc. Gonna try it against my friends Monarch soul control deck this weekend and see how it fairs or what can else be done to it against tournament lvl decks.
Highlight of the day was when I beat my opponent with the deck and the cards in his hand was nimble, pot of av..., and call of the haunted. No effect for you, Macross is your best friend. ^_^