March 1, 2007 Restriction List

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masterwoo0 said:
Exactly, and how did they discover that it was a fake? It's a vicious circle. Didnt they wait to confirm it?

Did CBS News or 20/20? News that gather extreme interest are more often than not released to "get the jump" on a competitor. It's only after everyone gets to looking deeper that it wasn't factual but rumor. Why should Yugioh or other gaming sites be different?
actually emerald dragon...that list is from march 1st 2006...not 2007...knew it looked too familiar when i saw ring banned and TER at one again...
yeah i know but I was bored. I thought it might be fun to see what people might say. And you ruined it.

I dunno but it seems to me that we aint gonna get nothing by way of details about the new list until its too late to bitch and moan. Especially since I plan on going to a regionals on march 3rd.
As long as we get some stall back it doesnt really matter. I just need some more stall. And maybe an extra upstart goblin and a snatch steal or two.....
does anyone know when we'll get the list approx?
I've heard 16th,17th, or this monday.....
is there a more accurate prediction?

heh im guessing march 1st :p
mikoal said:
does anyone know when we'll get the list approx?
I've heard 16th,17th, or this monday.....
is there a more accurate prediction?
Another rumor. Someone on another Website said they "always" post the list on the 17th. Well, it's come and gone, and no list. It will get posted in due time, and I'm more than sure it will be made available by the 1st of March, as there is no reason for it not to be.
i think so too,unless shriek has its sources wrong again


Forbidden Cards 「禁止カード」:
The following cards cannot be put into a deck:

Victory Dragon 「ヴィクトリー・ドラゴン」 *
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End 「混沌帝龍 -終焉の使者-」
Chaos Sorcerer 「カオス・ソーサラー」
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 「カオス・ソルジャー -開闢の使者-」
Sinister Serpent 「キラー・スネーク」
Witch of the Black Forest 「黒き森のウィッチ」
Thousand-Eyes Restrict 「サウザンド・アイズ・サクリファイス」
Cyber Jar 「サイバーポッド」
Magician of Faith 「聖なる魔術師」 *
Makyura the Destructor 「処刑人-マキュラ」
Tsukuyomi 「月読命」
Cyber-Stein 「デビルフランケン」 *
Tribe-Infecting Virus 「同族感染ウィルス」
Fiber Jar 「ファイバーポッド」
Breaker the Magical Warrior 「魔導戦士 ブレイカー」 *
Magical Scientist 「魔導サイエンティスト」
Yata-Garasu 「八汰烏」
Mirage of Nightmare 「悪夢の蜃気楼」
Delinquent Duo 「いたずら好きな双子悪魔」
Temple of the Kings 「王家の神殿」
Painful Choice 「苦渋の選択」
The Forceful Sentry 「強引な番兵」
Pot of Greed 「強欲な壺」
Change of Heart 「心変わり」
Raigeki 「サンダー・ボルト」
Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」
Butterfly Dagger - Elma 「蝶の短剣-エルマ」
Graceful Charity 「天使の施し」 *
Harpie's Feather Duster 「ハーピィの羽根帚」
Dark Hole 「ブラック・ホール」
Last Will 「遺言状」 *
Imperial Order 「王宮の勅命」
Exchange of the Spirit 「現世と冥界の逆転」
Sixth Sense 「第六感」
Time Seal 「刻の封印」
Last Turn 「ラストバトル!」

Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:
Only 1 copy of the following cards can be put into a deck:

D. D. Warrior Lady 「異次元の女戦士」
Elemental Hero Stratos 「E・HEROエアーマン」 *
Sangan 「クリッター」
Dark Magician of Chaos 「混沌の黒魔術師」
Protector of the Sanctuary 「神殿を守る者」
Jinzo 「人造人間-サイコ・ショッカー」
Spirit Reaper 「魂を削る死霊」
Dandelion 「ダンディライオン」
Twin-Headed Behemoth 「ドル・ドラ」
Night Assailant 「深淵の暗殺者」
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole 「N・グランモール」 *
Exodia the Forbidden One 「封印されしエクゾディア」
Right Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右足」
Right Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右腕」
Left Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左足」
Left Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左腕」
Marshmallon 「マシュマロン」
Goes - Envoy of Hades 「冥府の使者ゴーズ 」 *
Morphing Jar 「メタモルポット」
Forest Guard Green Baboon 「森の番人グリーン・バブーン」
Treeborn Frog 「黄泉ガエル」
Confiscation 「押収」
Heavy Storm 「大嵐」
Overload Fusion 「オーバーロードフュージョン」 *
Snatch Steal 「強奪」 *
Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」
Dimension Fusion 「次元融合」 *
Scapegoat 「スケープ・ゴート」
United We Stand 「団結の力」
Chain Strike 「連鎖爆撃」 *
Book of Moon 「月の書」
Card Destruction 「手札抹殺」
Pot of Avarice 「貪欲な壺」
Premature Burial 「早すぎた埋葬」
Swords of Revealing Light 「光の護封剣」
Nobleman of Crossout 「抹殺の使徒」
Mage Power 「魔導師の力」
Magical Stone Excavation 「魔法石の採掘」
Giant Trunade 「ハリケーン」 *
Gold Sarcophagus 「封印の黄金櫃」 *
Future Fusion 「未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン」
Limiter Removal 「リミッター解除」
Level Limit - Area B 「レベル制限B地区」
Gravity Bind 「グラヴィティ・バインド-超重力の網-」
Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」
Crush Card Virus 「死のデッキ破壊ウイルス」
Mirror Force 「聖なるバリア -ミラーフォース-」
Ultimate Offering 「血の代償」
Ceasefire 「停戦協定」
Ring of Destruction 「破壊輪」
Mind Crush 「マインドクラッシュ」 *
Magic Cylinder 「魔法の筒」
Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」

Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード」:
Only 2 copies of the following cards can be put into a deck:

Manticore of Darkness 「暗黒のマンティコア」
D. D. Assailant 「D.D.アサイラント」 *
Apprentice Magician 「見習い魔術師」
Mask of Darkness 「闇の仮面」 *
Creature Swap 「強制転移」
Reinforcement of the Army 「増援」
Metamorphosis 「突然変異」 *
Good Goblin Housekeeping 「ゴブリンのやりくり上手」
Wall of Revealing Light 「光の護封壁」
Deck Devastation Virus 「魔のデッキ破壊ウイルス」
Reckless Greed 「無謀な欲張り」

No longer restricted 「準制限」:
3 copies per deck allowed:

Injection Fairy Lily 「お注射天使リリー」 *
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys 「ネフティスの鳳凰神」 *
Exiled Force 「ならず者傭兵部隊」 *
Upstart Goblin 「成金ゴブリン」 *

// * = changes
if thats legit do you suppose "pulling the rug" has anything to do with the end of that list...that is the 3x exiled,injection fairy, sacred phoenix etc???
Okay, but who likes the fact that the only decent Draw Cards are

Pot of Avarice
Reckless Greed
Jar of Greed

And if you are REALLY desperate

Good Goblin Housekeeping
Upstart Goblin

Can you imagine if they had Banned Morphing Jar also??
masterwoo0 said:
Okay, but who likes the fact that the only decent Draw Cards are

Pot of Avarice
Reckless Greed
Jar of Greed

And if you are REALLY desperate

Good Goblin Housekeeping
Upstart Goblin

Can you imagine if they had Banned Morphing Jar also??

For some reason, other forums I read discussed the possibility of banning Morphing Jar? I wonder why, that would be. In addition why Good Goblin Housekeeping semi-restricted, why not unrestricted?
cameron2010 said:
For some reason, other forums I read discussed the possibility of banning Morphing Jar? I wonder why, that would be. In addition why Good Goblin Housekeeping semi-restricted, why not unrestricted?
It's funny how "The Great Emon" [Sarcasm meant for effect] declared Morphing Jar a "bad card" but now it's probably the last hope of getting a decent hand and helping Dark World at the same time.
I honestly can say I HOPE this is fake... I don't like this list at all. I don't care about Catapult Turtle, I hate Magical Scientist. I also HATE Dark Hole. Seriously, Dark Hole is more powerful then Mirror Force IMO.

And 2x Night Assailants can create broken combos... so why is that back? (i.e. infinite discard loop, Like say SNIPE HUNTER. I would definately run 3x in ANY deck with 2x Night Assailant, and The Creator becomes playable again, along with Lightning Vortex and couple Counter Traps, and oh yeah, Cybernetic Magician is broken once more with Scapegoats.)

Wow, Neo Spacian Grand Mole must have been doing some havoc in Japan if it's already 1 per deck.

BTW, did Airman and Gors got restricted in japan? (OR Golden Sealed Chest)

And I don't see Crush Card Virus. That's garenteed to be 1 per deck in USA. (Just like Magical Stone Excavation)
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