New Ban List, New Metas: Where Will you be at?

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Izanai no KAITO
With the change in the this new Ban List there is alot of excitement what the new meta could bring forth. I have comprised a list of potential metas, combos, and other effects of the ban list. I hope this may be insightful in any shape or form to senior members as new up and coming members.

Below is a list of what I believe may become new and potential Metas and their respectful stregths and weaknesses, as well as, their known and unknown combos. I won't go into full detail with everything, but I will be as up front as I can be, the rest I leave up to you. Again, these are simply based on my opinion so any derogatory comments as well as positive comments are most welcome.

Warrior Decks
Beastdown Decks
Zombie Decks
Fiend/Dark Necrofear Decks (GASP!)
Hand Control Decks
LV Decks
Gravekeeper Decks

Warrior Decks:

Nothing new and nothing special for this category that any skilled players should already know. For those unknown to this sect of gameplay should understand that this is one of the fastest types known to the game. With vast support cards such as Warrior Returning Alive, Reinforcements of the Army, and Freed the Matchless General, this deck type has all the supports for great searchability and recursion.

Warrior Support:

Warrior Returning Alive
Reinforcement of the Army
Freed the Matchless General
D. D. Assailant
D. D. Warrior Lady
Big Shield Gardna
Exiled Force
Don Zaloog
Blade Knight
Virtually any Equip Card Made

Beastdown Decks:

Beastdown Deck are much similar to Beatdown Decks but are not nearly as supported as their big brother. Although still versatile with great cards as Berserk Gorilla, Enraged Battle Ox, Manticore of Darkness, and Sacred Phoenix I find Beastdown to be better in recursion than in searchability, but potentially powerful in draw power with the abuse of Card of Safe Return.

Beastdown Support:

Manticore of Darkness
Berserk Gorilla
Enraged Battle Ox
Card of Safe Return
Behemoth the King of All Animals
Bazoo the Soul Eater
Wild Nature's Release

Zombie Decks:

Thanks to the release of PGD Zombie Decks became a force to be reckoned with. Although its ability to recur and searchability is a different variation as Beatdown its almost equally matched on its own. Control Decks, beware!

Zombie Support:

Spirit Reaper
Vampire Lord
Ryu Kokki
Dark Dust Spirit
Despair from the Dark
Book of Life
Call of the Mummy
Pyramid Turtle

Fiend/Dark Necrofear Decks:

Now, this may be the most unseen potential meta as Necrofear has become semi-dormant in the past year as Chaos Decks became popular. One key card that seems to stand out the most with the restriction of Magician of Faith, is Mask of Darkness. Being Fiend and able to return a trap card back from your graveyard this card will help any deck to get back that Reckless Greed, Coth, or Waboku to help give them that extra boost the next turn. More support can also be found to take control of any duel with cards like Brain Jacker, Kuriboh, Dark Necrofear, Giant Orc, and Goblin Elite Attack Force.

Fiend Support:

Dark Necrofear
Mask of Darkness
Brain Jacker
Archfiend Monsters
Goblin Elite Attack Force
Mefist the Infernal General
Any Trap worth using

Hand Control Decks:

Although I'm not quite sure what brought the downfall of Chaos Hand Control Decks, I'm sure one of the reasons mainly lied in the abuse of Sinister, quick play spells, and helluva top decks (Pot of Greed, Magician of Faith, BLS). Now with those out of the way and with Confiscation back (a preferably choice over Delinquent IMO) people might start using Hand Control once again half-bred with Warrior Beatdown. Great support includes the abuse of cards as Don Zaloog, Spirit Reaper, Robbin Goblin, Secret of the Bandit, Time Seal, Drop Off, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and the list can go on. I myself will be looking forward to running this deck type myself in the near future.

Hand Control Support:

Spirit Reaper
Don Zaloog
Mystic Swordsman
Time Seal
Drop Off
Secret of the Bandit
Mystical Knight of Jackal
Mask of Darkness
Mefist the Infernal General
Mind on Air
D. D. Designator

LV Decks:

Although there are currently only 3 sets of LV monsters worth playing, these types may still yet see more appearance with their great searchability and card effects as compared to the past. Typically hard to maintain, once on the field and an opponent at a disadvantage, it can become impossible to remove from the field. The 3 main sets out with real potential to see play are Horus the Black Flame Dragon, Mystic Swordsman, and Silent Swordsman with great support as Level Up! and Graveyard in the Forth Dimension. This deck type still has yet to see better support but with the right strategic cards and skilled player, they can become one of the best types to play.

LV Support:

Horus the Black Flame Dragon
Mystic Swordsman
Silent Swordsman
Level Up!
Dark Mimic
Ultimate Insect

Gravekeeper Decks:

I have played one of these personally, and I can only assume this deck type will be unscathed by the upcoming ban list. I am open to any ideas and suggestions from any seasoned player who would know this better than me.

If anybody would like more details on cards that could help for a certain deck type feel free to ask and I'll go into the most detail I can for each one. Feel free to post what you think, what I should add, or whatnot.
Akabane said:

And of course the slightly-over rated Exarion Universe.

Pretty good article, I enjoyed the read. In addition, I expect a meteorical rise in Machine variants. Cyber End or otherwise.

Wow, so ironically, I'll probably be the original one at tournaments using a Chaos deck!! Where the heck am I? The Twilight Zone?

Seriously though, I welcome the challenge of competing with a pretty pure Chaos deck without BLS. I've worked too hard on my Chaos/Burn deck to let that one card ruin it for me.
Very nice analysis, the only thing your really overlooking is the Cyber-Stein / Cyber Dragon combo decks, though they have been hurt somewhat by the re-restriction of Limiter, they will most certainly remain a force to be reckoned with.

I also think a few of the more under-looked theme decks, such as Fairies and Water/ALO might see a slight rise in play.

I agree wholeheartedly about Fiend/Necrofear decks seeing a rise in play. With its strong Flip effect monsters like MoD, Brain Jacker, and Slate Warrior, making it one of the few decks that can still abuse the recursion effect of Night Assailant, and the great support it has is going to make it quite strong, even before Dark Realms shows up. I still think Giant Orc is going to be their Beatstick of choice though, solely because it can be used with Deck Devastation Virus, unlike the Goblin Elites.

Oh well, just my 2 cents...
Very nice analysis and well written Akabane, thank you for your contribution!

I'm seeing quite a few key cards missing in that Fiend list though.

Falling Down (could be key in a beatdown world)
Giant Germ (field presence and Necrofear bait)
Newdoria (monster removal)

I'm sure some more knowledgable fiendish duelist will lengthen my list.
yes..power to the monarch decks!!....i can also mayB see some Dark Magician or some kind of spellcaster decks still a bit indecisive on what to build tho....think pandas or trample might have a chance?
John Danker said:
Very nice analysis and well written Akabane, thank you for your contribution!

I'm seeing quite a few key cards missing in that Fiend list though.

Falling Down (could be key in a beatdown world)
Giant Germ (field presence and Necrofear bait)
Newdoria (monster removal)

I'm sure some more knowledgable fiendish duelist will lengthen my list.

Here's a list off the top of my head of most of the better Fiends / Fiend support cards (If I forgot anything, which I probably did, feel free to add to it):
Dark Necrofear
Dark Ruler Ha Des
The End of Anubis
Mefist the Infernal General
Lesser Fiend
All the Archfiends
Slate Warrior
Dark Jeroid
Giant Germ
Giant Orc
Goblin Elite Attack Force
Mask of Darkness
Brain Jacker
Jowls of Dark Demise
Night Assailant
Gren Maju Da Eiza
Chaos Necromancer
Winged Minion
Theban Nightmare
Protector of the Sanctuary (can be devastating when comboed with Morphing Jar)
Mystic Tomato (since most of the best Fiends are DARK)
Mystic Plasma Zone (Ditto)
Bark of Dark Ruler
Deck Devastation Virus (in combination with Giant Orc)
Dimension Fusion
Return from the Different Dimension
Pandemonium (Essential for Archfiends)
Falling Down (Ditto, it can only really shine in a dedicated Archfiend Deck)
Archfiend's Roar
Axe of Despair (It counts as an Archfiend)
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler

were to start... Oh, i know First i would like to say, It been quite a few days mostly i think a week or 2 since i last been on a computer to even log into COG and just rant about stuff and so forth, or has it been 3 weeks??? Oh man, i see i lost my time again.

oh well, first off i would like to not analyze deck types but more importantly the list, what it favors what it doesnt favors and so forth.

The list Favors, RUSH Swarm, basically the person with the most monster opening turn is the victor. no nothing about it. just plain and simple you got alot of monsters you win. Which in a rush deck itll be fairly easy to pull off.

The list favors alot less used cards, Card of Sancity, D. D. Survivor, D. D. Trap Hole, Threatening Roar, Waboku, Jet Roid, D. D. M. - Different Dimension Master, and Des Frog/Poison Draw Frog variants.

The list Favors Out of play a bit more than it used to, CoS comes with a price as does D. D. Trap Hole.

The List doesnt favor Top deck except for Card that require you to have no hand (E-Hero Bubbleman, Cyber Archfiend Etc...)

The List Doesnt Favor Deck Rushing (Pot, Grace, Painful, Etc.. eazy Draw power, now gone)

The list makes good use of the 45 min time limit.

The list killed Deck out, Chaos, Anti Chaos, Beastdown (it could be better), and belive it or not Zombies take a good kick as well.

the simple fact that you can no longer speed your hand like before says that games will be insanely slow, and like wise will the decks being used.

now ill analize the deck types.

Warrior Swarm Rush -

With 3x Marauding Captain, it makes it easy to flood the field, right, that seems cool, but cards like Threatening Roar will just make the flood stop for a turn. Not good if your opponent will just come back around and do a nasty Cyber Dragon Swarm in Return.

Overall Warriror WIll be Tier 1, BUT only if we let it.


Good Deck time, nobody abuse more the deck devestation / hand disruption theme like the zombies, BUT with the loss of Pot of Greed, it will not be a common user of Card of Sancity, COS goes completly against what Zombies are all about. Against the new most played cards will hold the swarm just to come in return and make RFP more popular.


Beast down

Loved by all hated by many, but just like it implies with zombies itll be slow, and harder to run than ever before.

when was the list time you saw a Beast Down Win a Regional or National?

Itll be Tier 1 mostlikely since itll see alot of play but the one month I and a few others took to test some of these decks out says completly other wise.


Beatdown / Skill Drain.

The new dominatable deck style. Not only does this deck style stop swarm insanly it has a kick to it that only a Royal Decree can stop. and the way things are going Royal Decree will be very hard to use since the use of traps will be more useful than ever before.

the good thing about Beat down is that it was slow since the beggining, the lost of Pot of Greed really doesnt hurt it much. it hurts a little but as all beat down players and smart beat down players a like know, its not a deck you just rush into. you take your time and just sock up the opponent bad.

Itll be seeing Tier 1 as well.


Fiend / Fiend style varients

Good deck type, has been left in the darker realm of the game for some time now and will return but not with a bang as most player expect, in fact with the lack of a good Pot of Greed, good graceful, or easy discard cards itll be very difficult to bring out what is wanted in no time at all. Its a good deck style but not one to expect see tier -1, dont take me wrong not saying that the deck style is grabage or trash, but as we all know Fiends benefited from cards like Tribe-Infecting Virus.

you figure, Hey tribe destroy, well thats what most fiends come good in. they dont leave the field with out leaving their mark and as we all know Dark Necrofear is a good abuse of that.

It will see play, but not play that people expected. will you see fiend be runned in deck more often of course. but not a full out theme that will cause an outrage in the meta.


Hand Control

Ive made deck around the theme, and quite frankly it does need speed, weather you belive it or not, its a lot harder now to run a hand control than before. Currently if you make a good hand control deck, it usually revolves around using.

Mefist, 3x Spirit Reapers, and Delinquent Duo. actually thouse 5 just devistated an opponent easily.

now around, itll be difficult since 1 you dont have delinquent and making up for lost cards will be very very very hard.

Good deck, but very difficult to run.



overall they were good since the get go just not much play to make them you know go up there.

expect to see it play more often now than before.

it did lose its speed just like all other deck but it usually made up for it with flip effects.


LV Decks.

Sigh there isnt just 2 or 3 playable LV decks, there are more.

all 3 silents, Horus, and armed dragon will see play, but again with their slow nature, the most popular will be Silent magician Lv 8, which is the fastest. once EEN is Released expect to see all of them playable and just variable on preference.

currently not good, but will be much better.



Over all one of the most abused styles that might not see much play till somebody wins a regional with it.

First off RFP Benefits from D. D. M., D. D. Trap Hole, Card of Sancity, D. D. Survivor, Stike Ninja, etc...

it is by far an insane deck, it kept both its speed and Face down removal capabilities, it is possibly the only deck style that actually spit in the face of the List and Said you did not affect us at all.

Expect to see it grow in insane popularity once it wins its first Regional, SJC, etc...

Currently not great at all, but expect it to be very decent and good as well as insanely competative to all other styles.
my fairy deck loooves this ban list, like it is jumping for joy!!!!

i can see my fairies rocking peoples worlds now....

maybe tournament play will finally be possible
anything that becomes theme specific did get hurt in 1 for or another.

not saying that the slow Fairy OTK wont be seen now and then, you still have the low support and loss of support.

you have better chances taking a machine deck with its one Limiter remover than a fairy deck which has to be run a specific way and not just tossed together on the fly.
Every type lost support and gained support depending on how you look at it. This new ban list is the dawning of an new era in this game. And that era is the era that will seperate all of the skilled players from the dumb luck ones who can just play 3 cards *you know what 3 i'm talking about* and win the game off of it because of having so much advantage. This really will prove to be the most challenging game set yet.
i think come een e-hero's and warriors. will get a something of a boost with wildman, wildjaggy man and blademan. Also i could see many warrior decks taking advange of those two, esspically wildman. (i'm planning too in my earth-warrior deck.)

personallly i think dragons might make teir 1, esspically with their pretty decent support. and good monsters too. esspically dragon types too, like bewd decks

xyz could make for a nasty deck type,(i've been agasint one of these several times and i've not seen it take a loss yet. its undefeated(even by its own creator using his main deck.))
Let's not look at what decks are gonna be run.

With this new ban list, we should be able to see ANY deck. You name it, I wanna see it. There is no metagame right now. We are the makers of the metagame. The metagame will depend on who plays what and has success with it.

Don't be discouraged. And don't think that just because someone says that "_____" will be the new dominant deck type now means that you can't run something else. I encourage everyone to try something different and make it work. I don't want to see a dominant deck-type. I want to see variation, originality and unique decks.

I tried playing with my Zombie deck and it was mad slow. I didn't have any cards that dumped cards to the graveyard to revive my zombies with Book of Life. I guess I have to use Card Destruction now. Also does anyone advise me to use 3 Thunder Dragonrs and/or the toon spell book thing? I really need some speed. Just a side note: I play like 5 tributes zombies, 3 Vlords and 2 Ryu Kokki
Jathro said:
Let's not look at what decks are gonna be run.

With this new ban list, we should be able to see ANY deck. You name it, I wanna see it. There is no metagame right now. We are the makers of the metagame. The metagame will depend on who plays what and has success with it.

Don't be discouraged. And don't think that just because someone says that "_____" will be the new dominant deck type now means that you can't run something else. I encourage everyone to try something different and make it work. I don't want to see a dominant deck-type. I want to see variation, originality and unique decks.


Amen to that!!! If there's anything that irritates me it's ignorant redundancy. In other words, "that deck works, so I'll copy it card for card!" NO!!! I've already got 3 different decks in the works, and already working beautifully. And it's not because they are easy to use or all that powerful at all. Heck when I first built them, they were all Grade A jokes. But, I've since refined and upgraded them into the well-tuned machines that they are fast becoming.

I guess my point is: pick something to work on, and actually work on it!!! If it doesn't work that first time, don't just trash it and move on. The truest test of a great duelist is to take something that has been labeled useless and turn it into the most ungodly powerful thing ever seen on the face of the friggin earth! Make it an extention of yourself; something unpredictable but simple enough for you to understand.

And above all else, make absolutely sure that fun is always more important than victory. Who cares if you lose if you put up the fight of your life, giving your opponent and yourself a great memory that you can look back upon. And that was your moment of Zen. ;)
I just created Hero and Gravekeeper Decks for the new list (actually easier somewhat to put together since I don't have to worry about which deck to put Tribe, Graceful, etc, in.). Will be reassembling my zombie mill soon once I get all the cards together. It did quite well and was able to put mons in the grave to Book of Life them away. Besides with Dark Hole coming back what's to say it's gonna be hard to get your opponent's monsters in the grave?
a friend of mine is working on a whiennie hit and run deck.

basically using direct attackers with level limit, Gbind, Robbin zombie and robbin goblin.

now that is disturbing.
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