Official Cyber Stein Thread

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Right. Easier to sell a card when there are only 2 in existence. Instead of trying to sell it later when there are thousands but yours was the first one.
Put it this way... if you got the '99 BLS non-ritual, would you sell it for cash or keep it as collector item?
There's only 1 out there (it's non-playable though being Japanese), but a traditional BLS that doesn't require a ritual. Stray Lambs could get that out haha.
the '99 BLS Championship card a non-ritual no effect monster same as the standard BLS (ritual) same art and all, just orange border not blue.
I havent bought a bekett magazine in a few months since they were always behind and false information. But I still have some old issues how old was the issue?

Bet it is being run up. You look at the bids, some of the guys themselves jacked it up 2k to 5k at a time. Only one person actually seems to be a straight bidder. To each his own, if that card actually goes for that much, I feel sorry for the idiot who pays that. Give it time and more will be in circulation, so just wait, why waste that much money for a stupid piece of cardboard with a picture on it?

I'm out!!
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