Optional Tigger Effects

John Danker

Optional Trigger effects are something I've been meaning to do some studying up on but until yesterday never really got around to. Yes, I admit, I should be well versed in optional trigger effects already, it's a weakness I'll confess. The one question I still have left in my mind though is....

The actual activation point.

If I tribute summon for Mobius the Frost Monarch does his effect ACTIVATE when he's summoned or does it activate when I choose to use the effect?

The reason this is important is a scenario I've dreamed up (leave it to me to be a dreamer) ...but a concievable scenario.

P2 has an active Ultimate Offering on the field along with an attack position Spirit Reaper.

P1 has a set BTH and an attack position Gemini Elf.

P1 is in battle phase and declares an attack with Gemini Elf

P2 responds to the attack by activating the effect of Ultimate Offering, nothing is added to the chain.

P2 Now summons Mobius the Frost Monarch by tributing his Spirit Reaper.

Now the kicker....if after a summon priority always returns to the turn player then my original question comes into play.

If Mobius activates when it's summoned then all that is left is choosing...however, if the effect activates only after the turn player chooses to use the effect....and priority has passed to the turn player and turn player activates BTH, then P2 can't chain Mobius's effect because it's a spell speed 1.

Now you know how I got around to studying up on optional trigger effects <laffin>

Any help here?
Ok, but right now, it IS the ONLY ruling that is officially supported by UDE..lol, since neither the Judge's List, nor the JERP are considered 'official'..lol.
Ok the Tribute to The Doomed example explains it, but to me accumulation makes this a lot more difficult is some respects.

IF this is really how Konami wants it, it definately smells of crowd control, so that it doesn't mess up the rest of the game or some other effects.

Sometimes they do these things to "clean" things up, namely their own mess.

Frankly, they should have just made it a Trigger if they were going to do that.

I know for a fact that this is not how FR had worked in the past.
novastar said:
Ok the Tirbute to the Doomed example explains it, but to me accumulation makes this a lot more difficult is some respects.

IF this is really how Konami wants it, it definately smell of crowd control, so that it doesn't mess up the rest of the game.
Ok, explain what you mean please.
The example used in the JERP:

- P1 has Forced Requisition face-up and active
- P1 activates Tribute to The Doomed

[P1 Chain Link 1] Tribute to The Doomed (discard as cost) {Count +1}

- P2 chains Magic Drain

[P2 Chain Link 2] Magic Drain


[Chain Link 2] Magic Drain (P1 decides to discard) {Count +1}
[Chain Link 1] Tribute to The Doomed (destroys the monster)

- Now FR is resolved adding/subtracting the accumulated discards

Count=2, so P2 discard 2 cards.

So, FR keeps a running total through activation and resolution of a chain and sums it all up at the end, then makes the opponent discard the total (or as many as he/she can).

I personally can see this getting quite messy.