Sinister Serpent replacements...

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jasons said:
if I'm even thinking along the right lines the only thing that pops in my mind is Thunder Dragon.
:ninja: Now THAT'S an acceptable facsimile of Sinister. Thins your Deck as well as getting 2 more uses from it, with added hand advantage. :ninja:
I don't think you could discard him as a cost and still get the effect, but for the cost of one card you get to search for two others out of your deck.

And like master said, you thin out your deck and get the hand advantage so you can end up with two discards if needed. But yeah it can be situational depending on your deck.
krazykidpsx said:
yea but Thunder Dragon, i dont know, can you really discard him as a cost and search for the others?
No, but you can use its effect and use the other two as discards.

Really, any card can be discarded if really needed... But how many cards are we really discarding for anyway? Two, three at most? I mean, now that Tribe-Infecting Virus and Graceful Charity are gone, all that we really discard for is Lightning Vortex in some decks, and aside from that, nothing else really. So why fret this much about Sinister Serpent or replacements?
i dont really see it as hand advantouge, because really, they dont do much, their 5 star monsters, it would be godly understandable if they were 4 stars, because hey atleast you got monsters for the cost of 1.

but man i dont know... its good to think about though.
not true, with serpent around and tribe gone it would had made discard cards get a comeback.

basically tribute to the doom, Raigeki Break, and the not so used judgement of anubis become more usefull.

heck if serpent was still around you would see Raigeki Break get mad useage.

not to mention tribute to the doom a few Magic Jammers here and there.

see but since there is no free discard monkey anymore, you cant just main deck thouse cards like nothing.

they actually do cost something now.
In part I think it goes to show how versatile some cards are and how abused they are. With sinister on the ban list it has taken away some of the more abused discard combos. The same thing could be said since Assailant was limited down to one. At the same time though it does get everyone thinking about other ways to achieve the same goal they were reaching before, we just have to be a little more creative. There are cards out there like Thunder Dragon, Roc, Marron and others like that. It just depends on the deck and how they are incorporated.
Not having read the entire thread, let me add my statement anyway. Forgive me if its already been mentioned.

The problem I'm seeing with this new ban is that everyone is trying to find "replacements" for all the banned cards. Guys, if your doing that then you've missed the whole point of the ban. The cards you used to run make absolutley no sense anymore in this new meta. You need to stop thinking in terms of "well, what am I gonna replace Sinister with and whats going to take the place of Scapegoat?" Thats not going to work and your going to drive yourself crazy becasue there simply isn't a decent replacement for any of these cards.

The current game state is going to require you to move outside the old ways of thinking. If we continue to build decks with shades of the old builds then we are effectively building crippled decks. What we need to doo is look at older cards interaction more closely and build from this fast pool of resources we have now. It means dropping much of the old ways of thinking and moving into new directions where the old staples that weren't even banned have no place in your deck builds.
Surely the Replacements for Sinister Serpant are the Dark Realm Monsters in EEN, They make sinister look bad.
Well obviously if it is such a secret then apparently they want to keep it to themselves so they can all have the edge over us. It's the exact same thing as chaos people, always having their small little advantages and insights so they can keep getting into the winner circle. I do not think there are any solid replacements for Sinister Serpent at all and I doubt there will ever be any at all. Maybe something out of the upcomming starter decks but I highly doubt it..
Digital Jedi said:
Not having read the entire thread... ...weren't even banned have no place in your deck builds.
*clap, clap, clap*:teeth:

Very well said, and extremely true.

What we need to do instead of finding a replacement for Sinister Serpent is to make new strategies and use cards that we overlooked before. I'm sure we can all find something...

The Dark Realm monsters aren't a replacement for Sinsiter Serpent as much as a new decktype. (Which will probably be all the rage for a while, then die down) We'll see.
I used to often use 3 Thunder Dragons in my deck for discard bait, wouldn't just use their effect again, but kept them in hand, or if running chaos (feel so dirty and it won't wash off), in a 40-45 card deck you'll tend to get one of them in your hand either first turn or second, it's only annoying when you get two into your hand first turn without using the effect.
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