New Member
paulb91085 said:Well the problem is not with cyber-stien but it the problem with the banned list and the current meta. Few the past couple of meta's and banned list has always been more in favor of warrior beat down. Most all people play with cards like D.D's, Exiled Force, Reinforments of the army, cyber Dragon, Mobius the Frost Monarch, Zaborg the Thunder Monarch, Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch. I'm not saying they should have banned it but limit down to 1 before banned it and try changing the current meta so you wouldn't have keep banneding cards that every plays with or it not to cheap to play with. I do agree with lots of stuff that on the banned list like monster reborn, yata and so on beacuse the where all limited at one point and the where still to powerful. In the end Banned Cyber-Stein is good but keeping it on the list could be bad in a long run becuase ask yourself whats the worth keep Cyber-stein or any card thats banned if you can never play them again.
Well, it is not necessarily true that you cannot play Cyber-Stein again. It is limited to one in the traditional format. Many people had a problem when Cyber-Stein was reprinted since it was a Shonen Jump card. I myself do not play with cards that were once banned, since they might be banned again. For example they may ban Ring of Destruction. Do I personally think it should be banned, absolutely not. All we can do in the long run is trust in Konami/UDE.