YGO Card Name Game

Sasuke Samurai #3
Sasuke Samurai #2
Sasuke Samurai
Dancing Fairy
Fairy Guardian
Oscillo Hero#2
Gora Turtle is correct! I mean, just look at it! Isn't it adorable?

Plus, that's how my friends and I think his effect works. The 1900+ ATK monsters are struck with "awww" and can't do anything!
Ironically, I was the first of my kind, and could very well be the last as well. But I'm hardly a unique individual.
black luster soilder - envoy of the begining
chaos emporer dragon - envoy of the end
chaos sorcerer
the last warrior from another planet
None of the above. Though I suppose The Last Warrior From Another Planet would be considered the closest, if any could be.
I'm guessing the "hardly a unique individual" part implies it's several unique individuals in one. That is, a Fusion Monster.

So a Fusion Monster of a specific Type, of which there is only 1 monster ("first and possibly last").

Rabid Horseman
Deepsea Shark
Kwagar Hercules
Charubin the Fire Knight
Punished Eagle
Maruno said:
I'm guessing the "hardly a unique individual" part implies it's several unique individuals in one. That is, a Fusion Monster.
You're right about that.

However, you've teken the "first and possibly last" aspect in the wrong direction. It has more to do with the card name. And with that part, Barty is going in the right direction.

Do you think it was a Cold Wave or a Meteor of Destruction? Check with Rex.
Entropy is correct - Cyber Saurus.

The first of my kind = first monster with 'Cyber' in its name
Last of my kind = last Dinosaur monster (they all went extinct, but he has apparently been rebuilt)
Hardly unique individual = as Maruno pointed out... a Fusion monster
Cold Wave, Meteor of Destruction = theories of how the Dinosaurs became extinct
ask Rex = of course, the Dino duelist

Take it away, Entropy.
Toon Dark Magician Girl makes sense too. First and last Type B Toon monster, but "hardly unique" because Dark Magician Girl is extremely popular.


"Captain! We're out of ammo, sir! However, I think I know where we can get some more! You can see it if you stand right...over...here...."
"Where? I don't see --" KA-CHINK "--[size=+3]AAAAN[/size][size=+2]NNNNYY[/size][size=+1]YYYYTTT[/size][size=+0]TTHHH[/size][size=+1]HHIII[/size][size=-0]INNN[/size][size=-1]NG[/size][size=-2]GG!!![/size][size=-3]!!!!![/size]"