YGO Card Name Game

Entropy said:
Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman? It makes the most sense, but just to be sure....

Elemental Hero Avian?
Elemental Hero Bladedge?
Elemental Hero Clayman?
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman?
Elemental Hero Mariner?
Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman?
Elemental Hero Necroshade?
Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer?
Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster?
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman?
Elemental Hero Sparkman?
Elemental Hero Tempest?
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant?
Elemental Hero Wild Wingman?
Elemental Hero Wildedge?

And just to be really sure....

Elemental Hero Clay Guardian?
Elemental Hero Ocean?
Elemental Hero Forestman?
Elemental Hero The Earth?
Elemental Hero Airman?
Elemental Hero Knospe?
Elemental Hero Blume?
Elemental Hero The Heat?
Elemental Hero Lady of Fire?
Elemental Hero Flame Blast?
Elemental Hero Voltic?
Somehow that sounds like cheating, though I'm not sure how. And do any of the cards in that second block exist?
Elemental Hero Aqua Neos
Elemental Hero Avian
Elemental Hero Bladedge
Elemental Hero Clayman
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
Elemental Hero Mariner
Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman
Elemental Hero Necroshade
Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer
Elemental Hero Sparkman
Elemental Hero Wild Wingman
Elemental Hero Wildedge
Elemental Hero Wildheart

With only 13 possibilities left, perhaps the strategy now is to jsut take each one, and try to make it fit the clue; i.e see if you can interpret the remaining clues to fit whichever one you pick at the time.

Once again:

What's in a name and Three are the largest crowds

("are" is intentional, it's talking about 3 crowds, not a crowd of three, although it might as well be 4 crowds, but that wouldn't have resembled the saying)
What is in a name, hmm?

I'll say Elemental Hero Necroshade, because its effect deals with Elemental Hero monsters, which is clearly in its name.

DaGuyWitBluGlasses said:
it has ERO, (3 letters of rose) : Yes, but no to "eos"

So, not Elemental Hero Aqua Neos.

Maybe it's "[The word] What is in a name". After all, you never use a question mark with it. Elemental Hero Wildheart?
Entropy said:
Maybe it's "[The word] What is in a name". After all, you never use a question mark with it. Wildheart?


Three are the largest crowds:

Earth: 391 (50 more than 2nd place Dark)
Warrior: 203 (~60 more than the next largest)
4-stars: 491 (~240 more than 3 stars)

And the reference to the 4th:

(Orange) Effect monsters: 838 (up 360 over spell cards)
Alright...I'm not sure if this one is too easy. Maybe it's just hindsight.

Head On - Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On - Apply directly to the forehead!
Head On - Apply directly to the forehead!
your post looks like a big E.........and I hate that commercial...but the product works great :p I really don't know, but I had to say it.

Anyways, back to the big E..... Emergency Call?
No. But you're on the right track with "head". And with "three", as long as you don't use any outside card effects.

There's also one other small hint in there, but no one seems to have caught it yet.
cyber end dragon

flame cerberus

mythical beast cerberus

yamata dragon

five headed dragon

cyber twin dragon

twin headed behemoth

twin headed thunder dragon
None yet...how about separating the clues?

Or, how about if we take this in a completely, utterly different direction.

Time past; of old; long ago
Having dug into the earth for the purposes of extracting ore

The card is what you do when you put those two definitions together. Or at least, so I hear.
That second quote sounds like a so-called "recruiter" definition. It hits the Graveyard (digs into the earth) to bring out another monster (the ore).

Time past. Old, ancient.

Baby Cerasaurus