YGO Card Name Game


The Head-On thing was how you play the card.

-Play Gather Your Mind, get another.
-Awkward pause, since you can't activate it yet.
-Play Gather Your Mind, get another
-Awkward pause
-Play Gather Your Mind

The awkward pauses were the clue that no one noticed.
Entropy said:
Time past; of old; long ago
Having dug into the earth for the purposes of extracting ore
The card is what you do when you put those two definitions together. Or at least, so I hear.

The first one is "yore", the second is "mined". When you put the two together, you gather "yore" "mined", which is what I heard!

Oh, and I tried using the words "focus", "concentrate", and lastly, "meditate" in attempts that one of you would look at it too closely.
I'm sorry. Upon further review, Maruno's guess wasn't as close as I might have originally let on. For that, I owe you a clue.

Making connections could help
But I can dig it if you'd rather draw your own conclusions
Something's bothering me about that "U". Because of it, I'm guessing Big Shield Gardna. Of course, it's probably wrong.

Nimble Momonga?
Mother Grizzly?
"Sneaky" as in attacking directly?
Jowls of Dark Demise?
Mucus Yolk?

Koitsu? He's "buff" and "tough" (Level 10) but "small" and "sneaky" (weak stats).
Yes, "Submarineroid."

Buff and tough = 'roid
Small = 800 ATK
Sneaky = Attack direct, switch to defense
U = German submarines were called U-Boats
Making connections = "Super Vehicroid Connection Zone"
Dig it = He fuses into "Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill"
Draw your own... = "Supercharge"
And, the one that gave it away, "Mother Grizzly" will lead you there = a WATER monster with less than 1500 ATK

Back to Entropy...
I will have information vegetable, animal and mineral;
I'll know the kings of England, and I'll quote the fights historical;
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical.