YGO Card Name Game

XYZ-Dragon Cannon (X, Y, & Z were the only letters in the alphabet that were not used in your text).

And you, Sir, would be correct. Similar to "the quick fox" aspect of typing (for those of us who are old enough to remember taking that class), my clue left out the letters, X-Y-Z. Good job.

You're up Sir Paul.
1.a misapplied or inappropriate name or designation.
2.an error in naming a person or thing or place.
  1. Application of a wrong name.
  2. A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object.
My guess: Goblin Attack Force.
Powerfull in size and type, 2300(size) Warrior(type)

Misnomer, his effect and defense.
I've always found it funny when monster cards with one name have a type that is different than the card name...I'm thinking along the lines of something like...

Crawling Dragon #2

How is it that a dragon is considered a dinosaur? Hmmmm....
It's probably something like Dark King of the Abyss or The Furious Sea King, but I'll go with Reshef the Dark Being.
Excellent guesses. You are all on the right track. Good job. So far the answers are incorrect, though. Look at the clue again for a little more help/specificity and keep guessing!
Here are a few monsters who would appear to be powerful by name, but actually are not.
King of the Swamp
Mighty Guard
Jinzo #7
Do you mean competitive powerful? Because at 1800 ATK, Dark Witch (which is a LIGHT Fairy-Type monster) is strong (stronger than 66 Fairy-Type monsters, weaker than 19 Fairy-Types), yet not playable.

I'll guess Dark Witch.
How can you say she is not playable?? Hmmmm, well let's see--to the clue: She is deffinately misnamed as a Dark Witch, but for a 4-star Fairy (her size and type) she is powerful, which, more importantly, is in her name, Dumames, which is Greek for Powerful (where we get our word Dynamite)!

See, the focus was "Misnomer". Her name is "Powerful Dark Witch", and with the exception of Zeradias, 1800 is as high as you get for a 4* Fairy, but she is neither Dark, nor a Witch (Spellcaster). Well done (once again) Maruno! Back to you!!!
Umm... I guessed Dark Witch, not Dunames Dark Witch. For some reason I thought the latter actually WAS a DARK Spellcaster-Type, which is why I didn't add her to my guess. Dark Witch, of course, is an 1800/1700 5 Star monster, which does indeed make her unplayable.

You've kinda given away the answer now, though, so what happens?

See, look, I'm being honest...
Dunames Dark Witch...heh heh...just kidding...Maruno, you deserve to be up since you missed your last chance to post a clue anyway...go for it, I'm ready...
Dunames Dark Witch...heh heh...just kidding...Maruno, you deserve to be up since you missed your last chance to post a clue anyway...go for it, I'm ready...

I whole-heartedly agree!!

Maruno: If that is your clue, could you put it in italics for us, please? It's a thing we've started doing to differentiate between clues and hints. Thanks, buddy!!

Hmm, let's see. Diamonds are a girls best friend, like a dog is man's. But to make it a worst freind, maybe a guy, completely made of diamonds...Destiny Hero Diamond Dude? Or Hyozanryu?

**Wondering if it being in gold letters means anything**