YGO Card Name Game

Yep, all wrong. You're reading far too wrong into that link clue I gave - you're only supposed to look at the title of the film. The question is, what do women want? Answer that and you've probably gotten your answer.

Remember when I kept saying the answer was literal. Being literal probably should have gotten you to the title of that film, for one (because literal is a synonym of superficial, and it's not difficult to find that title).
I almost guessed this earlier, but I will now.
Witty Phantom is dressed in a tuxedo, and so in a sense is ready to get married. But he's a weak monster that looks like a trickster.

So I'm guessing Witty Phantom.

Women always want people to tell them the truth, and since being superficial is like lieing, then I also guess Eye of Truth

so Eye of Truth and Witty Phantom.
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One direction we can take it is to think of a Knight as both friend and hero, so a worst knight would be a

Mirage Knight.

Another thing a Girl wants is a house, so a worst house would be

House of Adhesive Tape.

Along those same lines, a girl's best friend, could be a housecleaner. I mean, how many of us like to do that, really. So maybe a worst Housecleaner would be from a Goblin (even a good one), so

Good Goblin Housecleaning.
No, no, no.

You're really thinking too much into this, I feel. Try to be superficial, stereotypical, that kind of thing. The answer should be hitting you over the head already.
I can feel Maruno's frustration just eminating from my computer monitor.

In an almost random attempt I guess pot of avarice.
My brain is fried right now anyway from studying so much today.

so, Pot of Avarice, Reckless Greed, Jar of Greed
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What do women want, stereotypically? What do women like? And how could this so-called "friend of womankind" be bad?

Answer that (correctly), and you very literally have the name of the card.
Not him. And that's not superficial.

If any of my female friends were around (particularly a couple I could name, but won't) when the answer is revealed, I would be hit for it. Lucky they're not here, then.
Women want a good looking man that can't speak, built like Arnold but not afraid to pick up a mop and has more money than she can spend...but enough about my wife's disappointments...Chippendales come to mind but most of them are gay and I don't know of a gay Yugioh card except Command Knight and even that card is ambiguous...still, I would think...

Pot of Greed
[...] I don't know of a gay Yugioh card except Command Knight and even that card is ambiguous [...]
I'll name Spirit of the Pharaoh right now ("This Millennium Puzzle is simply fabulous!"), but that's not the answer.

Neither's Command Knight. And she's female, for your information. You know how good the translation staff are.

Pot of Greed, also wrong. Although, for a very brief moment there, you were hinting at the right track again after all this time. To save you the trouble, it's this:

[...] and has more money than she can spend [...]
I don't think there is an infinite money card out right now (course I think it all depends on what wins the next SJC...)

Gift of Greed?
Gift Certificate?
To buy things, of course. They love security. Nevertheless, I'm going to finish off a couple of guesses, just to get them out of the way.... (BTW, LordLight2, I think you meant to say "Gift Card" not Gift Certificate...but we know what you mean.) To finish off the buying thing, we would add Order to Charge.

However, I'm sure the answer is.....

Enchanted Fitting Room!!!!

What woman wouldn't want that?!