YGO Card Name Game

Ohh, I could tell you stories of how even an enchanted one is a horrible friend to the women. Okay, okay. What is something that women (girls) want.....to buy....that is the worst kind of friend...? lots and lots of shoes! But you know how they pinch and bite...

Bite Shoes!!
Finally, yes. Bite Shoes. They'll cost you an arm and a leg... Well, probably not quite that much.

I told you it was superficial. A pair of shoes is a girl's best friend, but if they're biting through your ankles then they're not nearly as nice. But women would probably buy them anyway, because they seem to want a pair of every type of show in the world, in every possible colour.

DarkLogicianOfCaos, it's your go.
To buy things, of course. They love security. Nevertheless, I'm going to finish off a couple of guesses, just to get them out of the way.... (BTW, LordLight2, I think you meant to say "Gift Card" not Gift Certificate...but we know what you mean.) To finish off the buying thing, we would add Order to Charge.

Hehe...yeah, I meant Gift Card...

Has anyone guessed Card of Sanctity? or maybe Change of Heart?
Okay, as you know, I'm usually not on Sat./Sun, so I'll make it easy (so he says) and promise to try to get on to check answers if its not gotten by COB today. Okay, here goes:

1776 catalyst
I'm no historian, but there was some kind of Independence Declaration made around that time. The catalyst? A bunch of ungrateful Americans, I think, who for some reason no longer wanted to be part of the great British Empire, and thus started that "American Revolution". It looks like the cause (as states Wikipedia) was a set of taxes imposed on the American colonies.

United Resistance
Huge Revolution
Royal Writ of Taxation
Ouch!! I thought you folks across the pond call it an "Insurection", but yes, Boston Tea Party and all that, with the "taxation without representation", it was more along the lines of Oppressed People, Royal Oppression and yes, the answer:

Royal Writ of Taxation :p

Back to you Maruno!!
I am the beginning, I am the first.

Once again, that text is in YELLOW, and the colour is NOT IMPORTANT.
Well, we could go to a "first" in which case we would have my favorite...

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

or we could go with "alpha" as meaning the first...

Kuwagata Alpha

Alpha the Magnet Warrior
Well, we could go to a "first" in which case we would have my favorite...

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6

or we could go with "alpha" as meaning the first...

Kuwagata Alpha

Alpha the Magnet Warrior
How's Horus 6 a "first"?

But no, all those answers are too obvious to be correct.

Go back and look at the first monster that started this thread...that's where I came up with the answer...

But let's look at other possibilities....

Big Bang Shot (after Big Bang Theory)

Dark Hole

White Hole

Back to Square One
HorusMaster, no double posts, please. And the rule of only a couple of guesses per post still applies.

None correct so far, though. You may want to consult your Ronin for this one.