YGO Card Name Game

Well, this is the "Yu-Gi-Oh Card Name Game", so...

But wait! What's the same as Yu-Gi-Oh!? That's right: Dungeon Dice Monsters! Except it has dice.

Stab in the dark with Strike Ninja.
What, no one bought the Game Boy game? Seriously people, it's not that hard. He's actually pretty soft and fluffy.
The game, or the monster?

Oh, I'll bet you're describing a die, where 4 of the sides are Summon, 1 is a 4xAttack, and the last is a 2xDefence. C'mon, that's almost impossible or something.


Well, from there there's only 3 dice with a 4xAttack side, and only one that matches your description: The ever-delightful Kuriboh.

The information's not too hard to get a hold of, but it's still annoying.
Yes, it's Kuriboh, for those exact reasons!

And it isn't that much more obscure than some of the clues here, is it?