YGO Card Name Game

That's right. It's the first card listed in Ronin (well, mine, anyway, I don't know about anyone else's). Easy.

Not to be picky but according to the Ronin website, the order is as follows:

"A" Cell Breeding Device

"A" Cell Scatter Burst and then

3-Hump Lacooda

I thought all Ronin listings were the same as the updates all come from the website. Just saying....


Asura Priest
Yes except when a punctuation mark precedes the letter or number and in this case the quotation marks are listed by the computer before listing numbers....
RONIN lists them in this order
3-Hump Lacooda
4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
7 Colored Fish
7 Completed
8-Claws Scorpion
"A" Cell Breeding Device
"A" Cell Scatter Burst
A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit
My Ronin lists cards as harvey locust's does. It seems Ronin ignores quotation marks. I just assumed everyone's was the same as mine, since they logically should be.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon?
nanobreaker destorys level 3 or lower monsters without damage calulation.
it cpuld beat blue-eyes if limiter removal was played.

old vindictive magician

injection fairy lily.
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Even when all odds are against this brave fairy, she will press onwards in battle and never retreat

Dunames Dark Witch
umm, nope.

keep in mind peeps that she is "often mistaken for a guy" wich means you might be one of those people.

she can take blue-eyes or injection fairy lilly in battle given the proper amount of time.