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Hours have gone by, and this hasn't been deleted. For shame. *poke*
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Fiendishly1138 said:Winged beasts with great wings,
who can cause a tornado,
you don't see them that often
I doubt it's this easy, but is it Tornado Bird?
Maruno said:Tornado = Mystical Space Typhoon/Heavy Storm -type effect
Winged beast with great wings
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, although that's the obvious answer. I'm going with A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon instead, because how often do you see Dragon Decks?
Fiendishly1138 said:I figured that would be too easy. How about Swarm of Locusts? You don't see them often, (used in decks, or in play because of the reverse summon effect). It has the MST-like effect, and they all have wings.
slither said:
slither said:... well persistance is the way to success
.... so how about this:
Tornado --> similar tempest
Winged Beast --> some elemental heroes
not seen much --> fusion card
Elemental Hero Tempest??
Maruno said:Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2, perhaps? It's a Winged Beast, which isn't often seen (rarely, actually), and its Flavour Text talks about it making tornadoes with its wings.
Yes, coming up with different ways to say no is essential to this game.BenjaminMS said:No, it is NOT Stealth Bird (capitals this time, lol)